Chapter 4: Devin

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When I woke up, I was a bit hazy. But I soon got back memory of last night. Meeting a girl called Tara. She was a very strange girl. Strange but beautiful. More beautiful than Aphrodite herself. I blushed and shook my head. I guess my movement woke her up because Tara looked up at me from my lap rubbing her eyes. I looked down at her. I have no idea how she ended up down there when we were next to each other. She stretched and sat up.
"Hey you okay? I felt you squirming a bit", she said shaking out her hair. I looked down trying to hide my blush. "Y-Yeah I'm fine" I lied. She smiled. "Okay. Just making sure" she said as she stood up fixing her clothes. I glanced up at her and thought to myself, "Wow she's so pretty." I stood up and stretched myself before climbing back inside the house. She followed and said what I was dying to hear. "I'm kinda hungry."
"Perfect timing. I was thinking about making breakfast." I smiled walking to the kitchen. "Really? Thats great." She walked to the small table I had set up with two bamboo made chairs. "What were you gonna make?" she asked me. "Probably isn't much seeing as how you live in a tree."
"I was gonna make something simple. Deer sausages with robin eggs and cheese."
"That's my absolute favorite."
"Really?" I looked at her.
"Yeah. Well, sausages, eggs and cheese. My mom used to make it a lot for us when I was a child. She would usually make it with like.. rice and veggies."
"Well lucky for us I have some saved up from yesterday." I smiled taking two wrapped up plates from my makeshift refrigerator. "So Tara. I had a couple questions for you if you didn't mind."
"Hm? Uh.... yeah sure. Go ahead."
"Well first off" I started as I put the plates in the microwave. "What was your family like? Like were you guys the type to fight all the time and never get along?"
"Huh? Weird question. But no. My family and I were the type of people who never fought. We were all selfless. My mother was a teacher at this daycare I went to as a child. She'd be there almost 24/7 helping and nursing the children. And my father worked on the Elder Council. He helped decide which Elder Juniors would move on to the next stage of their lives and what Erinnerung they would get. He was the one who decided what Erinnerung my elder sister would get. My family was dedicated to helping others."
"Wow really? Sounds amazing. My mother was a really ruthless person. She seems nice at first until you annoy her. Then she'll literally take your head off. She tried to make me grow up to be like her but I ran away cause I didn't want to face that future." As I explained I felt the memories flooding back to me. The reasons I left home. Why I can't go back just yet. I was becoming lost in my thoughts before I heard Tara ask, "Do you mind if I ask YOU some questions?"
"Of course not."
"Where do you come from? Like what city are you from?"
"From the city Mopiteca" I explained leaning against the counter looking at her.
"Mopiteca huh? Isn't that the city full of rich and filthy wealthy people?"
"Yeah so?" I raised an eyebrow looking at her.
"Well if you're not one of those types then how'd you get to live there?"
"That's a story for another time."
"But I want to know now."
"Tara. Please. Can you respect my privacy? I promise to tell you another time. Just not now." I looked at her and I could tell she knew I was slightly annoyed. She sighed glancing as she stood up.
"Yeah. Sure." She then walked out and slid down the tree. I followed quickly. "Hey wait" I called. As soon as she got to the bottom, she started walking East. I slid down and ran after her almost immediately. She noticed me and ran off.
"Wait Tara! Where are you going?!" I shouted as she tried to run faster. She stayed silent just running away from me. But it didn't take long for her to lose her breath. That's when I slammed into her and we both fell over. I opened my eyes and went completely red. I landed on top of her. Our lips were so close to touching. I pushed myself up immediately and scrambled away from her as she held her head letting out a quiet moan of pain. "I-I'm so sorry Tara- I didn't mean to knock you over."
"Uh- yeah", she said groggily. "It's okay." I covered my face with my hands, feeling my face get hot.
I almost kissed her- my lips almost touched hers. I can't tell if she realized it. Did she? She seems indifferent about it.
All these thoughts ran through my mind before Tara's voice calling my name snapped me back. She giggled quietly when I looked up at her confused and stood up lending her hand to me. I took her hand and pulled myself up before dusting my clothes. "So," I started after gathering myself and clearing my throat. "I said we had to start hiking right?"
"Huh? OH! Right yeah I totally forgot. We need to get going. Mind telling me where to?"
"Icamus." I replied.
"City of Blacksmiths huh? Why there?"
I looked at her. "If you're going to take on the queen, you'll need some armor and weapons to train with won't you?"
She blinked a bit confused. "How did you--"
"Future seeing. Remember?"
"Right right. That's a really strange talent." She lightly scratched her cheek glancing away. I giggled quietly. "I know but it helps a lot."
"I see. Well then lead the way." I smiled and headed North. She followed close behind me. I could tell this would start a really good friendship. Or maybe something more.

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