Backstory: Patrick

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"It's been 3 weeks and I still haven't found any trace of Carla. I worry that she's either dead or captured by the Doica. I've been camping in Dunkler Wald and watching out for them. But I'm also searching for her. Carla please. I'm sorry I left you back home. I wish now more than ever that I would've gone back sooner. But I'm coming for you. I'll be a better brother for you. Love, Pati." I sighed quietly closing my journal and leaning against a tree looking up as the wind blew through my hair. "Carla. Where are you..?"

| 3 weeks earlier |

"Carla?! Where are you?!" I ran around frantically calling for my younger sister. "Shit! She isn't here either. Carla!! Please come out!!" I scrambled around the remains of what used to be my village. A couple days back there was a village raid from the Mopiteca city guards. They kidnapped young boys to train them to be part of the Doica. I escaped and had planned on taking Carla with me but I couldn't get to her in time. They stole the boys for the army, stole the girls to be sold and killed off any adults they could find. It was a massacre. And now I couldn't get out my head that Carla could've been sold off to some twisted sick soul. I looked under rubble and in bushes trying to keep my tears back. The more I looked, the more I thought about it. Some tyrant abusing my baby sister and me, her older brother who is supposed to protect her, not there to save her. After 8 hours, I collapsed outside of the village crying uncontrollably. She wasn't anywhere. And I didn't wanna face reality that was she stolen. Damn that kingdom! Damn it to Hell! I eventually passed out from crying too much... Carla... wherever you are... I'm going to find you and bring you home... I promise.

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