Chapter 11: Yolaris

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I sighed quietly. Today was such a boring day. With Maxine dead, I've had to replace my consultant and it's been a bother. Being queen is such a hassle. As I was moping, there was a knock at my door. "Come in!" I called. Jerome, my Prisoner Consultant, came in holding a scroll. He was average height for a 46 year old man. Black hair with white strands. Wrinkled nose. But muscular nonetheless. I groaned. I didn't wanna deal with this right now. But as a queen...God I hate my position sometimes. He rushed over panting softly before bowing.
"Pardon the interruption Your Majesty."
"Interruption of what? There's nothing going on today!"
"Uh... okay? Well I have the list of today's executees."
"Oh great. Who now?"
"Well there seems to be only ten people today Your Majesty."
I sat up straight in disbelief. "Only ten?!"
"Yes it would appear that way Your Highness."
"But that's not possible. Every list is filled with at least sixty plus. What happened?"
"I.. can't say for sure Your Highness but it seems like prisoners are finding more and more ways to escape."
"Hmm. How many this time?"
"Well uh...judging by the count of prisoners to be executed today, I'd say about thirty plus."
"WHAT?!!" He lost his balance as the entire palace shook when I yelled. Over thirty prisoners escaped?! How can this be?! My dungeons are inescapable! The only way they could escape is if they had someone to help them.
"Your Majesty please contain yourself. We can't afford to rebuild the castle again."
I sighed quietly. "You're right Jerome. Thank you." I relaxed and sat back. "So. over thirty prisoners?"
"Y-Yes ma'am."
"Any ideas on how they escaped?"
"Well.....we suspect there may be a worm in our city's guard system."
"A spy huh? Hmm.."
He looked up at me. "Majesty?"
"Jerome. I need every one of the assistants, consultants, advisors, everyone to help sniff out this spy. Once he's found, bring him to me immediately."
"Yes ma'am." He rushed out the room, leaving me to my thoughts. Whoever this spy is, I will find them. And I WILL make them regret they ever tried to disrupt my order.

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