Chapter 27: Yolaris (Part 3)

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| October 6th, 3:19 in the morning, on the top balcony of the King and Queen's quarters |

I sighed softly looking up at the galaxy in the night. The breeze in the darkness felt warm in my face and hair. It allowed me to relax and get lost in my own head. Last month's training blunder is still racing through my mind. As much as I hate to admit it, Devin stands absolutely no chance against her sister in terms of battle. She's too attached to her. And although Amanda is showing no signs of going against of me, she continues to prove she'll defy me as much as she can by refusing to help me train her. And of course, there's my bigot husband. This man knows good and well not to cross paths with his Queen. But it seems he doesn't understand yet that I have control over how my daughters are raised. No matter their age. I was caught deep in my thoughts before I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Jackson, my King, standing behind me with a worried look in his eyes.
"My Queen. Is everything okay? You're usually asleep by now." His voice. It was deep, low, but had this sort of comfort to it. It reminded me of my late older brother.
I looked at him and felt a small smile spread across my face. "I'm just... thinking. This is around the time my mind starts going crazy so I'm just allowing it to happen. How come you're awake?" He smiled and joined me on the balcony looking into the galaxy.
"I could feel your slight tension. Are you positive you're okay? Its not like you to be so agitated this late at night." He looked at me again and this time I caught the glint of a shooting star in his light soft green eyes as I looked into them, almost getting lost. They twinkled like every star in the sky that night as he looked at me. His smile glowed like the yellow moon that encased us to scare away the dark. This man chose something like me. He gave his life and love to me. Its strange for my heart to throb the way it does when he smiles at me. Its.. almost scary the way I feel when he looks me. He then spoke to me again, slightly more concerned.
"My Queen?" I again found myself getting lost in my own head just from looking into his eyes. I shook my head before looking at him and smiling.
"Yes. I'm okay. I'll join you in bed soon My King. I'm sorry for worrying you."
He smiled and planted a light kiss on my cheek before going back inside and lying down. I sighed watching him with a smile before looking back at the sky, my smile instantly starting to fade as I think to myself: "I can't afford to let these emotions blind me from my goal."

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