Chapter 9: Tara/Devin

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It was about 1:28 in the afternoon when I woke up. I opened my eyes slowly and groggily, groaning sleepily. "Aw God what a night." I thought when I finally got back into a bed I'd be comfy. But with Devin clinging to my body all night it was very difficult. I took a deep breath, which was hard because she was on top of me, and pulled her off me and back on the bed to sit up and stretch and crack my back. Standing up, I noticed that Devin had started to whimper. "Is she having a nightmare?" I asked myself. Then I noticed her crying my name. She had also mumbled something. "Surrender please..." she said. I leaned down to her and whispered "Devin" then fell back when she jolted up panting and sweating heavily looking around deranged. I blinked looking up at her. "Um... Devin?"
"Huh?" She then regained her focus on me.
"Uh... you okay?" I stood up and knelt down beside the bed concerned.
"W-What? Oh. Um... yes. Yes I'm okay." She held her head sighing out softly.
"Nightmare?" I looked at her asking as I grabbed a water bottle and handed it to her.
"You could say that. Thank you." She took it and drank some, looking a bit pale.
"What about?" I looked at her as she did.
"I would love to tell you but if I did then you'd take every precaution to make sure it doesn't happen. And that can't happen. The future can't be altered." She placed it down and held her head again.
"But why?" I asked confused. "If it's making you have nightmares then I SHOULD try to make it stop. Right?"
She sighed then looked away from me. Her eyes flooded with regret.
"I can't tell you Tara. I'm sorry." She then stood up and walked upstairs, leaving me behind trying to think of why she won't tell me. I stood up thinking to myself, "If her nightmares are that bad then why doesn't she want me trying to fix it?" I let out a heavy sigh. The amount of concern I have for this girl even amazes me. Especially considering I only met her 5 days ago. As I got deeper in my own thoughts, I suddenly heard a scream, followed by Devin tumbling back down the stairs. Her face was redder than the blood that ran through our veins. I looked down at her.
"You okay Dev?"


I bursted out at her, completely flushed, "Why didn't you tell me I still completely naked?!"
She looked down at my body then bursted out laughing. I sat up turning more red.
"Shut up it's not funny!! One of the cabin boys was just staring!!"
This caused her to laugh harder falling over. My voice unwillingly was getting higher and higher by every word.
"Tara!!!" I punched her arm hard which made her laugh more.
"I don't know how that's something you could completely forget about Devin."
She couldn't breathe. I was just publicly humiliated and she was laughing. Feeling my frustration grow, I exploded in a scream and pinned her down getting on top of her.
"It's not funny!"
She chuckled looking up at me with a bright smile. My blush came right back up just as fast as it went away. I looked down at her and I know she could hear my heart beat like a jackhammer and feel my sweaty palms. I once again caught myself staring at her. And as I did, I don't know how to explain it, I felt a sort of sensation start to rise in my body and head. It felt like butterflies tickling inside my stomach. Every gaze I took at each of her facial features, every word I heard her utter to me, it all just made this sensation grow stronger and stronger.
"You okay Dev?" She asked me looking up at me.
"Um.. y-yeah.."
"Well we should probably get up and get ready for the day now. Your uncle is probably waiting for us upstairs." She looked away for a second and before I could even think to still myself, I leaned down to her and pressed my lips against hers as soon as she turned back. I felt her struggle a bit but I had her wrists had down firm. Her lips against mine made my body melt. They were just as soft as I'd dreamed about... I could taste the cherry flavored chapstick she uses daily. Licking it up as I explored her lips made me even more excited, causing me to slightly deepen the kiss. To which I felt her body slightly tense under me. Her taste was intoxicating.. I felt this sensation inside me keep growing and growing until I no longer had any control over my actions.
My hands slowly made their way up to hers and intertwined my fingers with hers as I again deepened the kiss a little more. I could feel her melting into the kiss. In that moment I'd known pure bliss. I didn't understand how and why I felt the way I did but I didn't want it to stop. I felt her legs begin to tremble along with the rest of her body as I had my fill of her. As I continued I felt my mind going completely blank.... and before I knew it, I could feel she was kissing back. Not even just kissing back. She was leaning into it, as if she knew and wanted me to know that she had wanted more than what I was giving her. Understanding this, it was like a flip switched in my head. I wanted to move on to exploring her body. But as I had began to reach for her legs, one of the shipmates, a blonde medium height woman, walked downstairs to us.
"I have some fresh clothes for you gir--" She stopped to see us the way we were. Jasmine Myers. Patrick's right hand. I was a bit disappointed she'd showed up when she did. I sat up and looked at her. "Jasmine. Why did you have to interrupt us? I was having so much fun."
"Now you know what your uncle said last night Strawberry."
"Aww come on. It was all innocent. Nothing bad or inappropriate happened."
"Yet" she added.
I just smiled and stood up. "You don't know that. I'm not experienced you know this."
"Oh please. I know I'm right. Its happened before." Jasmine then walked over to me then looked down at her as I stretched and ran my fingers through my hair. "You okay kid?"
I glanced over and giggled quietly hearing her attempt to respond.
"Damn. You broke her Strawberry."
I smiled goofily, rubbing my head. "My bad."
"Oi vey." She pulled her up then dusted her off. "Be gentle with her next time. Not everyone can handle your instincts kid."
"Oh please. Tara is special. I can tell."
"Yeah. Specially unfortunate."
I crossed my arms pouting. "You're so mean."
"Yeah yeah. Here kid. Take these." Jasmine handed both of us a clean pair of jeans and a shirt. "Your uncle wants to talk to you ASAP so hurry up Berry." She then walked upstairs.


"Yeah yeah." Devin shook out the shirt and pulled it on. I shook my head, finally gaining my senses back.
"Oh you're awake. Yay." She smiled at me innocently. I clenched my fist and punched her arm hard, still blushing. "What the hell was that?!"
She rubbed her arm smiling. "I'm sorry about that. But I couldn't help myself. I honestly don't know what happened."
I growled softly but sighed putting on the clothes I was given.
"But you're so cute when you're mad."
"Shut it." I pulled my hair into a ponytail then walked upstairs.
"Yes ma'am." She followed me with this annoying nonchalant smile on her face. We got to the deck of the ship to see Patrick waiting there for us with Jasmine.
"Oh good. You're both awake."
Devin smiled. "Yeah we're here Uncle."
He looked at me and tilted his head. "Oh. What happened to ya Koldem? Ya dont look so good."
I just looked away blushing madly. "I don't wanna talk about it."
Jasmine whispered in his ear, and once again, his hearty laugh scared the crap out of me.
"I see now. Little Devin here had a bit of fun with ya now did she?"
I blushed more still looking away. "I-Its not like I expected it."
She chuckled quietly to herself. "Well as I said. I don't understand what happened. But I couldn't help myself in the moment."
"Oh Devin. Ya take after yer father. You and he shared the same kinda instincts. But listen here kiddo. Koldem here isn't a normal girl. She's special. Very much. So show her some respect. Okay?"
She nodded with a smile. "Yes Uncle."
I glanced over as he whispered in her ear. I looked confused as she winked at him then they both nodded at each other.
"Captain?" Jasmine's voice sounded suspicious.
"What? I'm just... scoldin' me little niece here. You shouldn't have done that. Go...reflect on what ya did."
She giggled as Jasmine sighed. "How YOU managed to have a family I'll never know." She walked away as Patrick snickered. I just stood there dumbfounded.
"Anyway. Back to seriousness. You said you had to talk to me Uncle?"
"Huh? Oh! Right thank ya for remindin' me. I sent one of me men on a little report mission to the castle. Turns out that Yolaris is holdin' a tournament. For the city's strongest fighters. And 'parently, she wants--" He whispered in her ear softly. "--to host by her side."
"What? Why?" She looked at him.
"I dunno. Jacob said he heard she wanted it family only."
"I see." She crossed her arms looking at the floor.
"Think you could get your little friend here ready in time? It starts in one month."
"Hmm. Well Tara is already really strong. I think all she needs is the proper armor, weapon and training."
"I see. Well then she can start on the ship. With Randy."
"Why the blacksmith?" She looked at him confused.
"He's had a hefty amount of combat trainin' in his teenage years. He's one of the most skilled fighters I've got on this beauty."
"I see. Hey Tara?"
I looked over at her. "What's up?"
"How would you feel about starting your training here?"
"On the ship?"
"Yeah. Just until we get to Icamus. Its a great opportunity to learn more than what you thought you could."
I tilted my head a bit interested and nodded. "I guess that's fine. Sounds great."
"Yeah? Okay we're on board Uncle."
"Fabulous!!" Patrick bellowed. "Randy!"
We both watched as a tall and buff dark skinned man came from under the deck. He looked like a behemoth. I looked up at him and swallowed as he looked down at me.
"This is the little girl you want me to train?"
"I need you to get her ready for training with any of Jasmine's Icamus connections Randy."
"If you say so Devin. But I won't hold back on her." He cracked his knuckles and stretched.
"I dont expect you to. Good luck Tara."
"Wait what?" I watched everyone back up. "What's gonna happen?"
"Pay attention!" someone called as Randy rammed into me with all his might, knocking me into the mast. "What the hell?" This guy was unbelievably strong. He managed to stun me with that sudden attack but I quickly pushed myself up. He stood up and looked at me. I wiped my mouth free of blood and stood up charging at him with all my strength and force. But he caught me by my waist and slammed me into the floorboard in an overhead flip. "You're a very impulsive girl Tara." He added as he looked down at me holding me down by my shirt. "That's gonna get you killed on the battlefield."
I struggled panting. "Going against a gorilla like you what the hell did you expect from me?" His grip on me loosened slightly and as soon as I felt this, I grabbed hold of his arm, managed to hit a nerve on his inner elbow then bent his arm back far enough so I'd be released. He slipped and nearly fell on me with a yelp of pain, feeling his arm be twisted around.
"She's not strong. But she definitely is tactical."
"Yeah." She watched as I jumped out of the way of another attack.
"Hopefully she'll get strong enough to defeat your mom."
"Yeah. Hopefully."

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