Chapter 52: Amanda

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| The next evening, 8:29pm, by the docks. Training night 5 |

Tara, Devin, Leo, Riley and I all made our way outside the castle and to the sandy docks. The entire time, Devin and Tara couldn't keep their hands off of each other. We all stood knee high in the water before I applied the same charm to my person, as well as Riley's and Leo's. I went to do the same to the girls before Devin stopped me.
"What are we doing", she asked. Tara looked at her and replied,
"I've been doing my training in an underwater cave. Amanda thought it was best to do it where we wouldn't be seen or sensed. She figured it was the best place."
I nodded with a smile. "She's been making outstanding strides. In one night each, she's nearly mastered every aspect we attempted to teach her. From summoning the power to using some of the weapons."
"Yeah- I'd love to show you what I can do", Tara said excitedly to Devin. Devin just giggled quietly.
"Okay sounds fun. Let's go."
I nodded once more and placed the charm on them both before we all ventured into the water. Tara and Devin swam close by each other as we made our way to the cave. There, Leo, Devin and I took a spot by the cave wall as spectators, while Tara and Riley stood opposite each other in the center of the cave floor.
"Okay Tara. Tonight we'll focus on bringing on two weapons at once instead of one. One of those being the crossbow, okay?" I spoke to her firmly and watched her nod. "Good. Now. From the top."
Devin and Leo watched as Tara called on the power of the Ancient Star Guardian. Her body lit up again while we all watched her. I glanced at them out of the corner of my eye and noticed their jaws drop. I smiled, bringing my attention back to Tara and Riley. She looked over at us and asked me,
"Should I attempt to summon a tactical weapon alongside the crossbow?"
"Good idea. I believe the Guardian possesses a revolver pistol that shoots sharpened asteroid matieral. Two trigger based weapons should work great as dual action assault."
"Wow..." Leo said softly. "She's grown a lot from the time I met her. I didn't sense any energy like this from her back then."
"Same here," Devin added. "She's so much stronger now. Maybe.. she can actually do this."
I nodded, keeping my eyes on Tara as she focused. "We started almost as soon as we possibly could. She's reminded herself every day and night of who she's doing all of this for. I believe that's what made her so strong." They both looked at me then back at her. I watched as a golden pistol with a metal handle appeared on her hip encased in a suede holster, that bore the ancient Koldem royal family emblem. Soon after, a cleanly carved osmium crafted crossbow manifested itself strapped to her back. I watched her look at both weapons then at me. I simply nodded in approval.
"Well done Tara. Tonight's training is target practice and maneuvering. Your job is to hit as many targets as you can while keeping your distance from Riley. He will be activating his Memory for this."
"His Memory?", she asked confused, then looked at him. "What's your Memory? This whole time I've been training, you've only used your physical strength against me."
Riley stretched in place. "I possess the Memory of Dragon Flight. With this Memory, I am the fastest human in this or any other empire. It's part of the reason I'm the Queen's strongest fighter."
Tara blinked and looked back at me. "I'm supposed to try and keep my distance from someone as fast as a dragon while ALSO trying to take down targets?"
"Remember Tara. Breathe. Don't hesitate. Rely on your instincts only." I reminded her calmly and saw her take a deep breath before sighing.
"Okay. Okay. I'm ready." She pulled out the revolver and gripped it in her hand, finger on the trigger. I nodded to Riley, who created multiple target signs all over the cave ceiling, then projections of my mother's army, that started off in groups of seven. Tara tightened her hold on her revolver watching Riley. Then all of a sudden, he practically vanished. It seemed only myself and Leo were able to keep up with his speed. Tara just barely jumped out of the way as Riley was about to knock her down. She attempted to keep all her focus on aiming for the targets. But she couldn't stand still for too long because of how quickly Riley was moving. She managed to knock down one target with her pistol before having to dodge out of Riley's way again.
"Don't tell me this is how far Princess Amanda's training has brought you Miss Tara", Riley commented as he sped around the cave. "You're telling me the Guardian can't even keep up with my movements?"
Tara took another deep breath and closed her eyes, allowing Riley to zoom around her. All three of us watched them intently and saw Tara raise her pistol at another target after opening her eyes. Riley charged at her about to crash into her before she dove to the side shooting down the target. Riley watched this then increased his speed and manipulated the targets to begin moving around.
Tara set her pistol back in its holster then unstrapped the crossbow from her body and held it firm in her grasp. Riley again attempted to knock into her but she dodged once again, aiming the crossbow at another target. A dim light shone from the arrow placement of the bow, there appearing a neutron star arrow, before it was released at the target, making it vanish once contact was made. This act continued while Devin, Leo and I sat by and watched. We all took notice as Tara's movements and reaction time became quicker and quicker. In no time, she was able to keep up with Riley's Dragon Flight and use it to better her own agility and stamina. In about twenty-six minutes, every target sign had dissipated.
Tara stood there knelt down, her gaze and aim pointed at where the last target was. I smiled watching. "Well done Tara. Your stamina has improved beautifully. Your next task is hand to hand combat with the projections. Tactical blade and shield. You're to go on the offense."
"Yes ma'am", she replied and switched out her weapons. Riley took his place next to me and the kids and joined us in watching Tara battle.
"She's doing amazing, Princess", he said to me.
"Better than I've ever seen anyone training to master a Memory. I truly believe she has a chance", I replied.
"Thank you Mandy." Devin said to me, keeping her gaze on Tara. I looked at her confused.
"For what, little princess?"
"For helping train her. I was so worried she would lose her life when facing Mom. But what I'm seeing right now shows me I had nothing to worry about. She's.. already so strong. I know she can do this. Thank you for helping her."
I looked at her then back at Tara before smiling. "Anything for my little sister."
We sat there for thirty-two minutes while Tara fought.
"She can do this", I thought to myself.

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