Chapter 5: Tara

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While walking in the forest with Devin, I noticed that there were a lot of beautiful and unknown wonders about Dunkler Wald. The leaves in there turned a different color with each blow of the wind. They changed from blue to red to green. It was amazing. And the animals were fascinating. They had their own special sounds of mating that I found spectacular. The way they mated was also fascinating to me. I looked around watching everything around me and I felt like it was a paradise. But then again there were dark stories of Dunkler Wald. As a child, I was warned to stay inside at night because of beasts that would take me if I disobeyed. So at the same time, while being in this forest is incredible, its also terrifying. I glanced at Devin and smiled. There was something about her that made me smile whenever I even glanced at her. The way she smiled. Her beautiful eyes and gorgeous features. Her silky brown and blonde hair. Her body figure. Her flawless skin. I blushed hard at my thoughts but shook my head and continued walking. She then grabbed my hand and got insanely close to me. Close like I feel her breath close. I squeaked quietly blushing more. She smiled at me.
"So Tara. If you ever wanted to get into a battle, what kind of weapon would you prefer? Weapon and armor."
"You and all these weird questions. Hmm. For weapon choice, I'd have to choose a sword with supernatural energy. I'd be able to control it better. And armor with lightweight but durable and strong abilities. Like a metal that's not easy to break."
"I see."
I looked at her and noticed she was writing all that down. I was confused as ever. "Um.....why are you writing that down?"
"My elder brother works as a blacksmith dealing with supernatural forces. Such as demonic, angelic, drakonic, elvic, etc."
"Interesting. And he makes weapons and armor with that type of power?"
"Yep. Its rather fascinating to me. To wonder where he gets it from makes my head hurt though." She chuckled a bit. I smiled watching her. Even her chuckle was beautiful.
"So how about you?" I asked.
"Hm?" She looked me curiously.
"What kind of weapon and armor would you have?" I looked back at her just as curious.
"Oh. Well for me, I'd need something lightweight. Like your armor. But it'd have to be fully flexible. Like me. As for the weapon, I'd need it to be elvic. I focus on elf magic so wielding a sword with that type of power would be perfect for me."
"I see. Maybe you could ask your elder brother to make a sword and armor for you."
"I doubt it. He knows I won't be able to fight even if I get good."
"Why's that?"
"Fighting was never in me. Remember I said I ran away from home?"
"I ran away because I didn't want to fight like my mother. With my mother, when she fights, she murders. I never wanted to do that so I left."
"I see." I quickly noticed she got upset because she squeezed my hand tightly. I glanced at her as she looked away with a sad expression. I stopped walking and looked at her.
"Devin." She stopped and looked at me after wiping her eyes.
"What is it? We need to keep moving."
"Your mother put you through a lot as a kid. Hasn't she?"
"I... I don't know what you're talking about."
"Yes you do so don't lie. As a kid she made you do things you never thought or wanted to do didn't she?"
"She made you do unspeakable things that haunts you today didn't she?" I knew I was going too far but I could tell she was lying and needed to get it out of her. She was distressed and needed help. "Answer me Devin."
"S-So what if she did?" Her voice began to tremble as she spoke. I cringed a bit inside but kept my stance. "So what if she had me torture innocent people in my city just because she thought they didn't respect her? So what if I cried myself to sleep every night because I regretted ever having my Memory? So what if--?"
I stopped her quickly because I thought if I watched her cry I'd get furious at her mother. Which I already was but that wasn't the point. I then pulled her into a tight hug. She stopped as she glanced at me. "Tara-"
"Devin listen. What your mother made you do was just horrible. Its awful and no child should go through that. Ever. What I hate the most is watching you cry over it. So I swear to never let anyone make you cry again."
She blushed a bit and teared up more. I smiled and held her as she cried clinging to me. This must be how my mother felt when she made me feel better. A genuinely happy feeling. We stood there for about 10 minutes before hiking again.
"So Devin. How exactly do we get to Icamus?"
"Well first we need to get out of Dunkler Wald. Then we need to go through to Reiplus. There we'll get onto a boat that'll take us to Icamus."
"Yeah its where the sailors live."
"Think they'll let us borrow a boat?"
"Yeah my uncle lives there. He's a pirate."
I raised an eyebrow. "A pirate?"
She giggled. "Its much more fun than it sounds. He's not those pirates that loot and steal and kill and stuff like in the stories. He's the type of pirate that entertains."
"For kids and stuff?"
"No for parties. Adult parties and stuff like that. He comes off as a looting pirate but its all part of his act. He's actually a great actor."
"Yes very."
"I meant to ask."
"What's your last name?" When I asked that question, for a second I could SWEAR she went pale. I looked a bit confused. Was it something I said?
"Uh...Tara? Lets just leave that alone for now."
"You say we're friends right?"
"Of course."
"Then we don't keep things from each other. Like real friends do."
"Tara please. There are some things that are meant to be kept secret. But I promise I'll tell you one day."
"You promise?"
"Yes I promise."
She smiled and took my hand as we walked on the dirt path. There was something mysterious about Devin. Something that scared but interested me. But I'd find out soon. Hopefully.

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