Chapter 6: Yolaris

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"Maxine! Get in here now!"
A girl about 4'7 scrambled into the room panting slightly. She had brunette hair and glasses with pale skin. The room she ran into was huge. About half the size of an entire town.
"Y-Yes Your Majesty?" Her voice trembled a bit as she spoke.
"What did I tell you I needed by today?" I spoke softly while glaring at her.
"Y-Your list of prisoners to be executed ma'am."
"Exactly. So why do I not have that?"
"W-Well the problem is a lot of the prisoners have either escaped or committed suicide to avoid your punishment. So we've had to revise the list over and over each time sometimes happened. The guards have been confused of who gets executed and-"
"Enough!!" I bellowed angrily.
Maxine trembled tearing up in fear. She was very scared of me when I'm angry. I could tell. She was scared of me on general. But I needed her so I spoke softer.
"Listen Maxine. There are only a certain amount of things I ask you to do. The List is one of those things. It's the easiest thing I ask you to do. Yet you fail me. I'm starting to think you're not cut out for Assistant Persecutor."
"N-No please Your Majesty I need this job. Please have mercy." She then got on her knees and bowed her head trembling. I looked down at her then got up walking to her. She kept her head down whimpering. I kneeled down and tilted her head up to mine by her chin with my foot as I looked down at her with my piercing dark blue eyes but a soft and gentle expression. She looked back with tears streaming down her face and a terrified expression. "Tomorrow. 5pm. In the Kämpfen Ring. You will fight for your life." I dropped her head and walked out as I left her in my throne room crying and shaking with fear.

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