Backstory: Brietta

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It's day twelve since my imprisonment. Three weeks earlier, Other World was raided and nearly destroyed. Our king was able to stop the attack but just barely. I had escaped and went on the run. But twelve days ago I was captured and arrested for "trying to defy the InterStellar Laws." I've been sitting in an empty hollow wooden box ever since. They've tortured me so much I can barely move with all the wounds on my body. My clothes are torn everywhere and I haven't eaten in eight days. I assume I'm below the deck of the ship. I don't exactly know since I was put in the box before we boarded. But judging from the smell and countless crabs that crawled on my legs that I've had to kill for food, I'm sure of it.
My name is Brietta Maxwell. My grandparents were killed during the raid. I never knew my real parents so I was raised by my grandma and grandpa. They were so sweet and nice... their hearts were pure. Today, April 16, 5017, would've been their 47th wedding anniversary. I had such a nice surprise for them... But they died trying to protect me during the attack.. I can't believe how much damage was caused... Damn the Yolaris'. Why is it so important to have me locked up? I'm a seventeen year old Cerulean. What's so special about me?
I sighed and pulled my knees up against my chest before burying my face into my arms. My lip started quivering as my breaths became shaky. In a soft voice I simply said "I give up." Then I heard my box open as a bright light shone down on me. I shaded my eyes looking up. And what I saw looking back at me was a boy wearing purple and black heavy metal armor smiling down at me. I looked up at him as his hazel eyes glistened. Ugh him again. What is his deal with me? I rolled my eyes as he took off his helmet letting his dirty blonde hair fall behind his head in a ponytail. Then he spoke to me. His voice was low but soothing and calm. He said "Don't give up Maxwell." At first I was confused. Then he showed me a small bowl of eggs, sausages and grits. His smile got brighter as he said "Are you hungry Maxwell?" My mouth watered when I looked at it.
He picked me up out the box and sat me on the floor next to himself before giving me the bowl still smiling.
"Enjoy" he said and relaxed watching me wolf down my food with an amused smile.
I was too hungry and focused on my food to notice him chuckling at me. When I finally did finish, I turned to him with food all over my face. He started laughing at me, which made me embarrassed.
"W-What's funny?" I asked flustered.
He took out a cloth napkin and leaned in wiping my face clean with a smile. I watched him as my cheeks started getting hot. He finished then sat back. I couldn't say anything at all after that so we sat there, for about twenty minutes, in complete and total silence. Every now and then I took a quick glance at him and for about two minutes every time I just watched him sit there leaning back with his eyes closed and a content smile on his face. Like he was free of any worry or negativity. The last time I tried to glance back at him he was staring right back at me. I freaked out a bit and just stared at the floor blushing deeply. He chuckled and sat against a wall behind us.
He spoke to me again. "So Maxwell. What's your story?" I looked up at him confused which he noticed and smiled at. I was about tired of him mocking me.
"I'm trying to say I wanna know more about you," he clarified for me. I looked away crossing my arms in a huff.
He tilted his head looking at me as I said in an annoyed voice, "Don't you guys already have my files? Why not look through that? I'm sure its got plenty of information."
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him nod.
"I mean that'd be accurate to the tee but I'd rather hear it from the source. More truth in that don't you think?" I turned to him and was about to say something against it but I couldn't. It irritated me that he was smart. It aggravated me even more because he just stared back at me with a smug smile on his face. I wanted to punch him but I held myself back seeing as how I'm weak from hunger and he's wearing armor.
He nodded and relaxed smiling. "Good. If you want I can tell you some things about myself too."
I looked at him. "Why would you do that?"
"Well to make it fair and even." He looked at me.
"What do you mean by that?" I looked confused.
"It wouldn't be fair if I was the only one gaining knowledge. So to make it fair I'll talk about myself too." He smiled.
"Oh. I see. Um... if that's what you'd like."
"Cool. I'll start off. I'm Johnathan "Spirit Reaper" Koldem. John or Johnny for short. You can call me either. I work as a guard on the Yolaris Imperial Galactic Army. I'm nineteen."
Johnathan Koldem. Okay. "Nice to meet you John."
"Now its your turn."
I rolled my eyes a bit but nodded. "I'm Brietta Maxwell. I'm a Cerulean from Other World. I'm seventeen."
"Nice to make your acquaintance Brietta." He smiled at me again and this time my heart began to race. My face was burning up and I was jittery. When he smiled I couldn't help but feel... safe for some reason. His smile just lit up the room around us and it made me feel good.

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