Chapter 22: Devin

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"HELP! UNCLE! JASMINE! HELP! TARA!" I ran back to the hospital screaming frantically. Jaz met me at the entrance. "Dev. Calm down. What's wrong?" I stopped in front of her trying to catch my breath. Then Patrick came out. "What's goin' on? Me 'n' the doct'rs heard some screamin' out here."
"Its Devin. She just came back like this." Jasmine replied to him. He looked down at me. "Dev'n. What's happened?"
I looked up at them, tears already falling, my voice trembling, speech almost complete gibberish. "I-Its Tara- Y-Yolaris- she- sh-she-" My voice started breaking as I tried to explain the situation, my vision blurry from the heavy tears. Jasmine pulled me into a hug and wiped my eyes. "Devin. Try to relax. Take deep breaths. Its gonna be okay. Slowly explain what happened."
I sniffled, my entire body trembling, and slowly regained control of my breathing before looking at them. "Tara and I were heading back here from the town when she was kidnapped. Yolaris took her."
"I see. Shite." Patrick ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. "Alright. Don't worry Dev. I'll get in cont'ct wit' Alexander and his fleet. Ask 'em to tail the ship. 'N' while they're doin' that, I'm gonna get you to yer brother 'n' make sure you're armed 'n' ready when we get there. Jasm'ne while I'm on the phone wit' Alexander you take Dev back to the ship and make sure shes okay." He walked away leaving Jasmine to lead me back to the dock. I just followed silently.
How dare you? Why do you enjoy taking the things I love? First my father.. then Amanda..... and now Tara.... I don't understand what it is you want from me... It's because of you I have nobody else to rely on but people I've managed to earn trust from... And now you steal away the one person I cherish with everything I have.... Why..? Why are you doing this...?

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