Chapter 42: Yolaris/Tara

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| 5:15 am, in the dungeons of the palace |


I stormed down the hallway towards the stairs, having just gotten finished searching the entirety of my dungeons for that little parasite, Amanda. As I walked upstairs, I could feel my rage rising. So many questions sped through my mind. How could she have escaped? Could there be a traitor in my staff? Who could it be? And why would they help her escape? How dare they go against me? I got to the first floor of the palace, biting my thumb nail. I can't afford to lose track of Amanda AND continue my plan. One has to come first. So I called for one of my attendants, Jacqueline.
"Yes, My Queen?" She said as she walked up to me and bowed. "How can I assist you today?"
"I need you to pay a visit to my victim. Tell her she's lucky she gets to live for a couple more days until I find Amanda. Tell her to enjoy her time here because once I get my way, she'll never see the light of day again."
She stood up and nodded obediently before walking away, leaving me there to wonder how to go about this. "Damn you Amanda. I swear I'll find you. And once I do, you'll wish you never found the courage to leave."


I looked around walking through the halls of the palace. "This place is huge" I thought to myself as I turned a corner. While walking, I started thinking about what Devin said. And she was right. I knew nothing about the Queen. I didn't know her Memory, I didn't know anything. I could potentially be committing suicide with my plan. But my gut is telling me I need to do this. I can't let that bitch get away with what she did to me. To Devin. To Amanda. I won't let it go. I'll make sure she pays. I looked around then stepped into an empty room before tapping my earrings.
"Leo? Can you hear me?" I heard him respond.
"Yes Tara I'm here. Is everything okay?"
"Yeah everything's good. Is Devin awake? I need to talk to her." There was a pause before I heard her voice.
"Hey Tara- are you okay? Did anything happen?"
"No, nothing happened. I just wanted to ask you some questions about your mother."
"What? Why?"
"If I know more about her, specifically like her Memory, it'll be easier to understand how to go about surviving." Another pause before she answered.
"Her Memory is Diabla's Memory."
I heard Leo say in astonishment, "Her Memory is the Devil's Memory?"
"Yes... its passed down through murder with intent. She obtained it after killing her adopted older sister, Jennifer, in the Kämpfen Ring."
"Wow..." I said listening. "So she's literally the Devil. No wonder you didn't want me rushing in with my plan."
"Exactly", Devin replied. "We don't even know why she wants you dead, Tara."
"Actually I found that out while with Leo."
"Really?" She inquired. "What is it?"
"It's because I was born with this massive power called the Ancient Star Guardian. It's some kind of deity only carried by Koldem royalty."
"You- you're royalty? And you have-"
"I know I know I said the same thing." I chuckled. "It's so hard to believe but I understand why she wants me gone. Apparently the Ancient Star Guardian is the only thing that can off your mother for good. So she's afraid of me."
"I see... What do you plan on doing now that you found out about this power?" Devin asked me.
"I plan on trying to find a way to bring this power out for when I have to face her. I haven't figured out how yet but I promise I will. And when I do, she's dead and gone."
"Tara. You still wanna continue with this even after finding out her Memory? She can kill you with just a point of her finger."
"Once I find a way to get this power working, I won't be worried about that. But until then, I promise the only thing I'll be doing is training myself."
"I thought you didn't make promises you knew you wouldn't keep." She said to me.
"Why else do you think I actually promised this time?" I asked her. "Because I actually plan on only doing what I said until the time comes."
"Fine Tara. Please just stay safe."
"I will." With that, the connection dropped. I stepped out the room nonchalantly and walked down the hall before being stopped by a brunette woman with hazel eyes.
"Are you Tara?" She asked me.
"Um... yes? I'd have assumed everyone in this hellhole would've known me by now."
"Yes well, I have a message for you from the Queen."
I crossed my arms looking at her. "And that would be?"
"She tells you to enjoy your time here the best you can. She has to postpone your death date because something important came up. So until then, spend your time wisely." After finishing, she bowed and left me there.
"Not even gonna tell me what came up huh?" I called out after her after she turned the corner. I sighed ruffling my hair. "Alright so I have more time. Better go tell Amanda." I walked back the other way, thinking to myself. "Diabla's Memory. An actual she devil. I should be scared but I'm not." Thinking about everything she did as I walked, I felt a slight surge of electricity flow through me. "She will pay with her life." I said to myself.

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