Chapter 28: Tara

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It's been about two days since I was taken by the Doica. I've been sitting in this stupid crate on their ship completely silent since my recent discovery. Devin... She's a Yolaris.. The Queen's youngest daughter... I can't believe it... I tightened my hold on myself looking at the ground stuck in my thoughts. I couldn't blame her for wanting to wait to tell me. With everything she's gone through because of her mother, I wouldn't expect her to even want to think about it. I'd never be able to imagine. And to think the only reason she was able to escape was because her older sister sacrificed her own life to her mother's will.. I can't imagine that pain. Suddenly I heard something that broke the silence around me. It sounded like.. clanking. Light but audibly there. And it was getting closer. With every passing second that noise grew louder and louder until it stopped at the door to my cell. I watched as the door opened. A man dressed in formal Doica security attire stood there looking down at me. His eyes were a sparkling crystal blue. As if the sky was born into his eyes. He stepped in and shut the door behind him, his left hand holding a bowl of what I assumed was either food or water. I haven't consumed anything since being here. "Who are you?" I asked him gripping the bars to my crate. He looked down at me again silently before just sitting criss cross in front of me, sitting the bowl in between us.
"First I need to ask. Are you affiliated with the princess at all?" His voice sounded almost like he'd not even turned eighteen yet.
"Why would I answer that? Its none of your concern. Haven't you assholes questioned me enough?" I snapped back. He just looked at me expressionless, his eyes burning through me.
"I suppose that's fair. Although I don't know how I'll explain that answer to my superiors." He looked at the floor to think a little before meeting my eyes again. "I take it you're hungry? I was tasked to feed you twice a day."
"Oh so you people actually know how to do that? I've been here for two days now. And you're just now deciding to start feeding me?"
He tilted his head looking at me a bit confused. "I can always tell them you're being unruly and they'll make sure you don't get to smell the scent of food ever again. I have not came to you hostile or anything. Did your parents not teach you manners?"
I immediately spit in his face then glared at him, a river of blinded rage flowing in my eyes. "Don't you dare speak of my parents again. Its because of YOUR Queen they're gone now. I swear if you say another word about them again the moment I get out of here your head will be the first I cut off."
He simply wiped his face clean with a towelette and looked at me.
"I apologize. I wasn't aware. I promise it won't happen again."
I looked at him silently, thinking to myself. What's with this guy? Out of every guard and soldier on this ship, he's the only one to treat me like a person. I don't understand his goal but.. I'm not letting myself be fooled.
"Are you gonna go tell them what I did so I can sit alone here again for the rest of my stay?"
He shook his head. "I came to you the way I did for no ill intention. We'll be seeing a lot of each other now that I've been assigned to be your food deliverer. And I'd like to be on at least speaking terms with you until you have to go."
I blinked a bit confused.
"What does that matter to you? You work for the Queen. I'm nothing but her prisoner."
He nodded in agreement. "However so. I promise not to treat you how everybody else on this ship does. I can't keep them from doing so. But I won't do it myself. Now. Would you like your food?"
I just kind of stared at him as he stood up and unlocked my crate for me to climb out. Did this Doica security guard just tell me he'd like to be my friend? Just because he'll be seeing more of me?? That's absolute nonsense. I looked down at the plate of food and swallowed, feeling my stomach rumble. Although if that means I get to eat daily...
I pushed myself up and climbed out sitting beside the crate. He pushed the plate forward and took a bottle of fresh water hidden away in his armor, placing that beside the plate. "Enjoy" he said to me.
"Thanks.." I drank some of the water first. Clean cold water.... Thank goodness.. Then I started to eat as he just sat there. I looked at him mid-chew then swallowed my food. "Aren't you leaving?"
He looked at me. "I'd like to keep you company as you eat. Is that not acceptable?"
"I- yes? I just... don't understand why."
"Hmm.." He looked down thinking as I just sat eating. "That's something I'll share later if you agree to let me stay Tara."
"I'm not in any place to tell you to leave now am I, what's your face?" I said back.
He chuckled lightly at this. "I suppose not. Call me Leo. Short for Leonard."
"Fine "Leo". I don't particularly care if you stay or not. As bad as this situation is its nice having a positive presence in this room with me."
He smiled warmly to me. "Thank you."
I rolled my eyes and continued eating. Least there's one person on this ship with hospitality. Not that I expected anything more than slave treatment. My only goal right now is to either get back to Devin or take the Queen down myself.. and to do that, I'll need to get out of here first and start training.

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