Backstory: Carla

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I was prepped for a dinner with my new family. In a small black dress with my black hair curled a bit, I was led to the dining hall by two female servants.
I was sat in my chair and left with an "Enjoy your dinner Young Mistress" as they walked back out. I looked around in awe. The place was huge. It looked like a city. And the table was gigantic. But there was only four people. Me, Jenny, and my new mother and father. The Queen looked sweet. Her tan skin was fair and her brown hair was long and wavy. Her smile was kind and her blue eyes were gentle. And when she spoke, her voice was soft. She reminded me of my own mother. I felt comfortable around her for some reason. Then I took a look at the king. Unlike his wife, the king looked cold. His face was detailed and showed his cheek and jaw lines. He had a massive mustache and beard, black with silver streaks going through them, just like his sideburns and hair. His eyes were dark and cold. And his expressions were terrifying. When he spoke, his voice was deep and booming. And when I look at Jenny, I noticed that she looked nothing like either of them. Jenny's hair is blonde and her eyes are green. Her smile was bright and silly. Her voice was rapid and high but cute and sweet. Her attitude was upbeat and fun. She was completely different from the both of them. Then looking at myself I look more like the king and queen than their princess does. I suppose the queen noticed me looking between them all because she smiled at me and began to speak.
"Carla, sweetie, what's wrong? You look very uncomfortable here. Could it be that you aren't hungry?"
I immediately looked down a little flustered. When I usually speak my voice is clear and understandable. But when I spoke, it was quiet and feeble. "N-No ma'am I'm okay." She giggled and shook her head smiling.
"No need for the 'ma'am' honey. I will be your mother from now on. You can address me as such. My name is Kaitlyn Yolaris." She then pointed at the king and said "This is Michael Yolaris. Your father." Her smile became warmer as she indicated Jenny. "And I'm sure you've met our little wild child Jennifer. It seems she was the first to get to you. Just as well I suppose. She would have such a good influence on you."
I glanced at Jenny then immediately looked down playing with my hands awkwardly when she looked at me smiling her bright and happy smile. I jumped a bit when my father spoke.
"So Carla. Where did you come from?"
I was a bit nervous to speak with him but the queen reassured me with a light giggle of amusement.
"Do not worry Carla. Even though he looks scary, Michael is very kind. Aren't you honey?"
He laughed heartily making the table shake. "Well of course. I'm only scary when I need to be. Otherwise I'm just a regular nice guy."
Jenny laughed at my meek expressions. "Maybe she's afraid you'll hypnotize her Dad."
Hypnotize? So that's his Memory. That sounds scary by itself. All of them laughed as I sat there awkwardly and nervously. Then the queen spoke.
"Oh Carla. There's no need to worry. We never use our Memories for useless reasons." I felt compelled to ask them all what their Memories were. Then, as if by magic, she responded.
"Well if you're curious, as you've heard, Michael's Memory is Hypnosis. He is able to mesmerize his enemies and make them do his bidding without their resistance." I spoke and again my voice was small.
"O-Oh wow."
"Then there is my Memory. Mind Reading. I'm able to sense and hear what people think no matter how hard they try to hide it. It works great when I play Defense during battle. And lastly, we have--"
Jenny cut her off looking at me excitedly. "My Memory is Evasive Maneuvering! During a battle, I'm able to get past all enemy defense lines and attack forces."
The king laughed sitting her back down. "Settle down Jen. But she's right. Just last month we had a battle with the neighboring kingdom Resoro and Jenny led us to victory. She found her way past every single line of defense and even through the attack formations. Then with her help, I was able to confront the war general and hypnotize him into surrendering all of his valuables and soldiers. With that our kingdom's army grew bigger and stronger. Just like us!" He smiled brightly.
Now I can see where Jenny got her smile from. The queen chuckled quietly and spoke again. "As you can see Carla. Our family is quite resourceful and we work together. And we're very happy to have another addition to it. Welcome to Mopiteca and our family sweetheart." And with those words of kindness, my heart slowly relaxed as I smiled a bit. "I-I'm happy to be here."

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