Chapter 49: Tara (Part 2)

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| Training night 3 |

"Focus Tara! What aren't you understanding?" Amanda yelled to me during my third battle with Riley. Tonight I was able to call on another one of the Guardian's secondary weapons, a pair of iron knuckles, that gave me extra strength. I used it to throw punch after punch at Riley but I couldn't land a single hit. He tripped me over when I tried striking again, then kicked me against the cave wall. I pushed myself to sit up, panting quietly, my weapons vanishing again. Amanda stood at the side watching our fight.
"You have more physical strength than you think Tara." She said to me. "But you need to focus on bringing it out as you strike. Not as you're getting ready to strike. The power needs to build up at the edge before you let it go. Go again. No weapons this time."
I sighed softly and stood myself up walking back to the middle of the cave floor. Riley took his stance looking at me as I readied myself. Then, in an instant, he attacked. It was so fast I didn't have time to react. He threw a punch to my abdomen then caught me when I fell forward before hitting it again four times with his knee then throwing me down on the floor.
"Power", I thought to myself. "I need power." I clenched my fist closing my eyes and focused as hard as I could. I remembered my parents being slaughtered. I remembered the cries of Kendall when I ran away. I remembered watching Eric being gutted. All of these things came to mind which caused a huge wave of energy to wash over me. I used the opportunity of me being on the floor to kick Riley's feet out from under him, trip him forward, and use his weight to pull myself up as he fell. He caught himself in a push up stance and brought himself back to his feet looking at me. I felt both his and Amanda's eyes on me. I looked at myself. My body was encased in this beautiful sparkling white light. My body wore stardust and gold plated armor, my eyes the same color as the first night. I felt this overwhelming amount of energy flowing through me. But before I let this feeling vanish, I allowed myself to use it. I lunged at Riley, feeling the power flow to my fist, just like Amanda said, and attacked. My fist made contact, striking him directly in his face. He staggered back at this. Not letting him catch his balance, I attacked again and again. I managed to land a punch to his stomach, a kick to his side and an overhead strike knocking him down to the ground. I stood over him panting quietly as he smiled looking up at me.
"Amazing, Miss Tara. You've improved substantially for such an early time."
Amanda walked over and helped Riley up. "He's right Tara. I've never seen such improvement in so little time. If we keep going like this, you'll be ready to face her in no time."
I looked at them. "You're right. Let's keep going. I want to control this power as much as I can."
"As you wish, Miss Tara." Riley took his stance again. "If you don't mind, I'll be attacking first."
I took my stance, bringing back earlier's weapons. "Come at me."
Amanda took her place back at the sidelines and watched us continue our fight. It lasted for about two hours before we returned back to the palace.

| Inside Amanda's old room, in the tunnel |

"Tonight was a total success Tara." Amanda exclaimed, after setting up her sound barriers again. "You're now able to summon the Guardian's minimal weapons at will. That's absolutely amazing."
"I agree Miss Tara." Riley added. "I also believe your fighting form is getting better. The way your strikes felt after your upgrade felt entirely different compared to prior. They felt more powerful and tactiful."
I smiled sheepishly at their compliments. "Thanks guys. I have to admit I am feeling a lot stronger. But its only thanks to you two. I wouldn't have even thought about how I'd be able to learn to control this without you guys. Thank you."
They both smiled at me. I couldn't help but think to myself, "This almost feels like my family." The times my father spent helping me better my taekwondo when I got out of class. The times my mother spent watching and guiding me on how to do better. This feeling was so familiar it made me want to cry. But I contained myself and sighed.
"So what's on tomorrow's agenda?"
"Well." Amanda started. "Night one, we focused on unlocking the power. Night two, we focused on bringing out the Guardian's tactical weapons. Tonight we focused on controlling your physical strength. I think tomorrow night we should focus on summoning one of the Guardian's main weapons. It has a total of seven. A katana, a crossbow, a spear, a bow and arrow, a giant hammer, a scythe and twin swords. The katana, crossbow and twin swords are the easiest to summon so we'll focus on those."
"Got it." I sat back thinking about everything I've gone through up to now. I never would've thought I would have such an overwhelming power laying dormant inside me for so long. And now I'm getting the chance to use it to protect those I love. As I sat there thinking to myself, my communicator earrings began to buzz softly against my ears. Both Amanda and Riley looked at me as I tapped them. "Hello?" I said.
"Hey Tara. Everything okay?" It was Leo on the other line.
"Has she came to you yet?" Devin asked. She was also on the line.
"No I'm good. She hasn't come yet."
"Thank goodness." She said sighing relieved.
"Hey Tara. I meant to ask you. Have you run into a man yet?" Leo asked curiously.
"A man? Describe him." I replied.
"He's the Queen's number one general. Her strongest asset. His name is Riley Foster. He was my mentor before I joined the Doica."
I glanced at Riley who was looking at me questionably. "Yeah. I met him. Why?"
"I had sent him a message by carrier droid a while back but he hasn't sent one back. It was to ask him if he could help Princess Devin and I sneak onto the palace grounds."
"I can help you do that. Don't worry about it."
"Wait what do you mean?" Devin asked me confused.
"Just don't worry about it. Let me know when you both are at the docks of the empire. I'll meet you at the palace wall."
There was a moment of silence before Leo replied with, "If you say so. We should be there by tomorrow night, around one or two in the morning."
"Got it. I'll be waiting." The call ended, to which I looked at Riley and Amanda. Riley was smiling.
"Leonard Larstein. My prized pupil. I see you two have become good friends. I'm glad, Miss Tara."
"Thanks." I said. Then I glanced at Amanda who was looking at the floor, her hands in her lap. "Is everything okay, Amanda?" I asked her.
"Yes.. everything is fine." She answered. But her voice told me something different. "It's just... it's been so long since I've seen her. What if she doesn't recognize me? She's grown up without me..."
I watched Riley hug Amanda and hold her close. I thought to myself then looked at her again. "Well it's the same for her. She couldn't be there for the birth of her niece. Or her big sister's wedding. Also, I doubt she's forgotten what you look like Amanda. Most of the trip, she would talk about how beautiful her big sister was. I doubt someone can forget that kind of beauty."
At this comment, I saw Amanda blush before she smiled. "That was cute. Thank you Tara."
I smiled brightly before standing and stretching. "I think we should all head to bed. It's kinda late and I want to be well rested for tomorrow's training."
"Of course." Riley said. "I hope you sleep well Miss Tara."
"We'll join you in a bit. I have to talk to Riley."
"Alright. Goodnight." I said as I climbed the ladder.
"Goodnight", they said simultaneously. I lied in bed looking at the ceiling. I finally get to see her again. Devin...
I fell asleep with Devin on my mind and a smile on my face.

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