Chapter 1: Tara

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| 8:13 in the morning, in the home of the Koldem family |

In my World, everyone had a special Memory. My World followed the tradition of many other planets and galaxies. We were a very profitable galaxy with each Memory that was passed on. The king, King Alden, was the reason we lived so peacefully and comfortably. With his guidance and knowledge, my World was one of the most valuable planets in my home galaxy. We were dependant on the energy that our technology gave our environment. With each new invention, our environment became more and more beneficial for trading. Trading helped keep our society up and running. With each new member added to our civilization, we became more alive with amazing talents and Memories. That day was Graduation Day, year 5032.
It was Season Autumn. It was the season where the Elder Juniors would receive their Memory, the one thing that would help them find their place in the universe. My elder sister was among those Juniors. Her name was Khloe. She was a tall and thin young woman. She had long brown silky hair she always kept in braids with a purple bow to keep them together. Unlike most girls, Khloe loved to follow her own way of thinking. The girls and women in our World were prone to basics and rules that were given to us as Juniors. But Khloe did things her own way and somehow always made it work. She was about to turn 18. Which meant she would officially be an Elder. I never wanted to admit it but I always looked up to Khloe. She was like my idol. Everything she ever did was perfect in every way, despite how she did it. She was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life next to our mother. Our mother was always proud of her. I, on the other hand, am the complete opposite. My name is Tara Koldem. I'm a short pale skinned 14 year old. Unlike my elder sister, I have blonde hair that easily gets tangled. A lot of times, my mother had compared my hair to a bird's nest because of how scruffy it is. But I'm having it done special for this day. My mother was in my room brushing and combing through my knotty hair. My mother wasn't like any of the other women of our people. Even though she works hard, Brietta Koldem didn't show age like the women on my World do. She had long dark brown hair she always kept in a ponytail. Her eyes were a bright yet soft green. And whenever she smiled they seemed to glow. Her smile was beautiful. My mother was very skilled with her hands. She used her creativity whenever she could. I guess that's where Khloe got it from. Since the last time I had it done was for Khloe's 17th birthday, which was last Season Autumn, it hurt when the brush and comb went through my hair and touched my scalp. But I tried my best to sit still and not wince. As my mother continued to do my hair, I watched her in my mirror with an emotionless expression. I then began to examine myself. I noticed every feature I had. Two hazel eyes, a slightly bigger than average nose, a pair of pink lips and a scar on the side of my cheek that went from below my eye down from an accident I had when I was a child. Not long after, my face changed from expressionless to a sort of depressed look. I had realized that everything I loved about Khloe, I hated about myself. I sighed heavily slipping into depression. My mother noticed as she glanced down at me. In her soft voice, she spoke.
"Don't look too excited Tara." She kissed my head and smiled. "Perk up honey. Today is a very special day for Khloe. You want to look happy for her don't you?"
I shook my head responding, "It's not that I'm not happy for her. I really am. its just...."
"Just what?" She asked curiously as she stopped what she was doing to look down at me. I sank into my chair causing my dress to ruffle and my cheeks to turn a slight red. But I gathered the courage to speak what was on my mind.
"Why didn't you stop at her?" She chuckled softly as if she thought I was joking.
"What do you mean 'why didn't I stop at her?' What kind of question is that?" I sat up straight and looked up at her angrily as tears formed in my eyes. I began to raise my voice which I was taught never to do. Growing up I was taught to never disrespect my Elders by raising my voice at them.
"I mean why did you have to go and have me? You could've stopped at Khloe and had the perfect life with the perfect daughter. Instead you had to go and have ME and have one amazing daughter and one screw up disappointment of a daughter who has done nothing in her life to live up to her family's name--"
"Whoa whoa whoa. Slow down Tara. What's this you're talking about? A screw up daughter? You can't possibly think that's what you are." She spoke and as her voice got softer, my eyes couldn't help but produce more tears. Even as I wiped them away they kept coming back. Like a virus in my computer network. I looked down trying not to break down in front of my mother. She looked down at herself and sighed as she pulled me into a hug. "Tara Esther Koldem. You listen to me and you listen well. Never in your life will you EVER be a screw up or disappointment to me OR your father. We both love you very much. There is so much about you that you don't notice that are absolutely amazing about you." Listening to her words of kindness, hearing her talk in her gentle tone, it made me feel like I was 6 again. Back when I was a Child Junior, I'd be picked on a lot for not being as pretty or as smart or talented like Khloe was. And I'd come home from school crying to my mother. And just like now, she'd smother me in her chest and speak her kindest words in her gentlest tone. How it was wonderful, her voice. It was like hearing angels sing. I felt compelled to hold onto her as she held me. But I knew I was too old for that. So I just dried my tears and thanked my mother for comforting me. As usual. She smiled her beautiful smile as her green eyes glistened with love and affection.
"Let's get you finished up." I nodded and sat back down. 10 minutes later there was a knock at my bedroom door. Then my father came in. My father was a pretty hefty man. He was tall, well built, and his day to day life made sure he stayed in shape. He had short dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes. Standing beside each other, he and I look so much alike. It was like I was his twin. He shared the same features I did. Except his scar went across his nose. Like a bridge. He came in with his dirty blonde hair slick back, wearing a blue tux, with a dark blue tie and, since this is so apropos of my father, black boots.
"Hey," my father said to us both.
As he spoke I couldn't help but notice how intimidating he sounded. I never understood how he could sound intimidating to other people but so sweet and relaxing when I need him.
"How are my two beautiful girls doing?" He walked in and gave us each a kiss on the cheek. "I see my little girl is all ready for her sister's big day. Let me get a better look." He took a few steps back. My mother giggled. "Well its not much but it'll do for Tara." I groaned as I stood up blushing slightly. My father took a good look at me and tapped his chin. "Something is missing" he inquired.
"Oh? What would that be?" my mother asked curiously as I glanced up at him. He took out a shimmering crystal blue and red dragon hairpiece. The same one I was given at Birth Month. I looked at him as he placed the dragon in my hair. "There. Perfect. You look beautiful Tara. Just like your mother." He smiled at my mom and kissed her lightly.
I gagged whining as I walked out. "Are you guys coming? We're gonna be late." I watched them annoyed as they chuckled quietly and followed me to World Stadium. Today was going to be the perfect day.

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