Chapter 12: Tara

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Before swimming, Jasmine gave us a little supplement that let us stay under water for about 3 hours. We took it then dove down. I nearly screamed at how cold the water was. I dove down with Jasmine and Devin and looked around. The world underwater was beautiful. There were plants and animals of all colors and shapes. I saw a school of rainbow fish swimming by. A blue octopus passing under us. A group of nurse sharks in the coral. It was amazing. I was so entranced by my surroundings that I nearly was swept away by the dolphins rushing up. Luckily I moved out the way just in time as Devin called out to me to watch out. When my vision was clear, I could see Jasmine riding on one of the dolphins. I looked around for Devin and saw her riding one that looked a bit different from the rest. While the rest were silky and gray, this one had black patches on its body and around its right eye. Watching Jasmine and Devin play with the dolphins, I was a bit hesitant. Not even a second after, a dolphin positioned itself under me and sped off not even giving me a chance to hold on. I squeaked a bit at the suddenness and speed. It propelled itself through the water as fast as it could before jumping into the air and speeding back down. The exhilaration I felt was indescribable. My heart was pounding and my mind was racing but one thing was for sure. I was having the time of my life. Jasmine and Devin's dolphins joined the entire pod in riding the waves and jumping out of them. I'd never felt something so amazing in my life. After about ten minutes of that, we relaxed with the pod while Devin fed them by the coral. There was something about her. Anything she did made her look so mature and attractive. I sighed quietly and began to pet the dolphin I rode.
Devin turned to me. "I see you had fun Tara."
"It was the best. This was my first time riding a dolphin but I'm definitely gonna wanna do it again."
She giggled and nodded. "Yeah they're really sociable. We all became friends really easy. They each have names and its easy to tell the apart."
I tilted my head looking at her. "Okay? Let's hear them."
"Well the leader of the pod is named Henry. You'll know its him if you see a little red mark on his nose."
"Hey there Henry." I gently caressed his snout.
"The next is his little sister Isabel. She's got a growth on her dorsal fin."
"I see. Okay."
"Then we have Orange. She got her name because oranges are her favorite snack."
"That's cute."
"Here we have Jack. If you're looking for him, just know he's the only one who responds to chirping."
"Tweet tweet." Jack then nuzzled me playfully.
She smiled. "Karma is next. She got her name from how fast she responds to bad or good situations."
I waved to her. "Hi Karma."
"Lastly. The one you were riding. Her name is Gift. I think you can already guess how she got her name. She's really good at surprises."
"Yeah she came up under me out of nowhere." I looked at her.
"Ha yeah she'll do that."
Suddenly, we heard a foghorn. Followed by sounds of cannons.
Jasmine looked up. "Crap. We're being attacked. Girls. Follow me quickly under the boat." She quickly swam up followed by Devin and myself. We climbed into a latch under the ship and pulled on our clothes. Then we rushed upstairs to see Patrick and the pirates being attacked by men wearing gold and purple uniforms. They carried swords and guns and cannons. It must've been some of Yolaris' guards. I grabbed my sword and went to Patrick.
"Are you okay?"
He looked down at me and exploded. "Tara? What're ya doin' 'ere? Ya got'a go! Now!"
"Are you kidding me? No! No way I'm staying here and fighting with you!"
He just shoved me back. "Go!!"
Just as I was about to join the fight anyway, Patrick was stabbed in his chest by a sword. He went limp falling beside me as I looked up at the guard before falling back staring at him. My eyes fixated on him with complete fear as he raised his sword to strike at me. But Devin came in front of me blocking the blow with a shield. I looked at her as she glared at the soldier with purple eyes.
"D-Devin I-" She spoke and her voice was full of rage.
"Go stay with Jasmine until the fight is over." She then pinned the guard down and his own sword into his stomach, dragging the blade down with as much force as she could before pulling it out. I watched in horror as he slowly bled to death, his insides completely visible. This must be part of her Memory.. She dashed off as Jasmine dragged me and the unconscious Patrick below the deck and hurried back up to the fight, leaving me and Patrick there alone. I was freaking out. I didn't know what to do. Patrick was dying and they left me alone. I looked down at him and swallowed hard. He needed attention quickly...
"Whew. Okay Tara. Get it together. You got this. Focus." I took a deep breath and looked for a first aid kit. While I spent time patching up Patrick's wounds, I heard a loud uproar above me and lots of stomping. Then Devin came rushing down and jumped on me. I squeaked looking up at her as she squealed.
"We did it! We beat the Doica!"
"What- really? That's amazing- How?"
"It was all thanks to Jasmine."
"Jasmine? What'd she do?" Devin got off me, allowing me to sit up.
"Jasmine's from your galaxy. From Other World."
I blinked, a bit surprised. "Is she really?"
"Yeah. She's got the Memory of Battle Strategy. She planned out all the steps and moves and tactics we used to beat them."
"Wow" I decided to hide the immediate rush of depression that came with hearing her Memory with an awestruck smile.
"How's Patrick?"
"Oh- uh- He's doing fine. No damage to the heart. Lungs bled out a bit but I managed to stop that and plug up the wound."
"Oh my God thank you so much Tara." She hugged me. I glanced at her hugging back.
"Of course. I figured I should be useful on this trip since you guys are helping me out."
"You're the best. I'm gonna go get Jaz so she can take him to the infirmary." She walked upstairs leaving me behind again. I sighed quietly and sat back. Sitting there alone felt like an eternity. The silence was almost unbearable. But then again I couldn't help but wonder why the queen's guards attacked us so suddenly. Maybe she knows about me...maybe not...who knows? I sighed quietly and lied back.


"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!?!?!!!" Jerome cleared his throat wobbling and looked at his notes. "Twenty of your royal guards have been killed by her ma'am. Judging by the reports, not one made it out alive."
I sat there growling in shock. That little ass wipe thinks she can destroy my team and get away with it? I'll teach her a lesson soon enough. She will beg me for mercy on her knees. I sat back as Jerome looked at me concerned. "Your Highness?"
"Send more guards. Everyone we have at our disposal. Now. Send them all! I want that Koldem before me in chains!!!"
"Yes My Queen!" He rushed out, leaving me to my thoughts. I will destroy you Tara Esther Koldem. You will pay for what you've done.

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