Chapter 45: Tara

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| Later that evening in the tunnel of Amanda's old bedroom |

"So your death date was pushed back?" Riley asked me.
"Yeah. I wasn't told why but that's what I know."
"So what do you plan on doing now that you know you have time?"
"I was hoping since you told me everything you knew about the Ancient Star Guardian that you'd know how to bring out the power. And maybe help me with it."
Riley tilted his head at me before bowing and responding with, "It would be my honor Your Highness."
I blinked a bit looking down at him and stood him up smiling awkwardly and patting his shoulder. "None of that please. I'm just Tara Koldem. An ordinary teenage girl."
Riley looked at me confused. "The Koldem name is a sacred royal title. And no "ordinary girl" would possess such a power as the Ancient Star Guardian. But if you wish I not refer to you by a royal title, I will not, Miss Tara."
I rolled my eyes a little. "I suppose that works. So. How's Amanda?"
"She's doing okay. I made sure the door was enchanted with a barrier before we came down here. She should be waking up soon. Shall we check on her and relay the plan?"
"Sounds good." With that, we both climbed back up into the closet and walked back into her bedroom to where she was sleeping. Riley knelt down beside her while I closed the closet door and gently kissed her forehead speaking softly to her.
"Princess. Wake up please. It's time to wake up."
I walked over and stood beside him watching Amanda stir slightly in her sleep.
"Please wake up Princess. We have something we'd like to talk with you about."
She made a small noise before opening her eyes a little and yawning. "What is it..?", she asked in a sleepy voice. Riley smiled looking at her and carefully sat her up taking out a water bottle he had stowed away in his jacket.
"Drink this first please Princess, then we'll tell you everything. Did you rest well?" I watched intrigued as she did what she was told and drank some of the water before responding to him.
"Yes I did. Even though I'm back in this room, back in this place, I surprisingly slept okay."
"I'm so glad. And thank you for drinking water." He stood and sat beside her, me taking the spot on her other side. "Now. Miss Tara has told me something very interesting that I know you'd like to know about." Amanda looked at me curiously.
"Well your mom pushed my date with her back. Apparently something came up. But I'm not sure what it is."
"I see", Amanda said. "She's probably realized that I'm gone and is freaking out about trying to find me. If I know her, she's losing her edge because she can't find me."
"Think so?" I looked at her.
"I'm positive. So what are you gonna do now that you have more time to live?"
I looked at Riley. He nodded and looked at Amanda.
"Miss Tara has asked me to help her bring out the power of the Ancient Star Guardian. I've told her I'll do my best. Do you know anything about the Guardian, Princess?"
Amanda tilted her head and thought for a bit. "I know the Guardian is controlled by strong emotion. The Holder has to have gone through or WILL have to go through something that will strengthen their emotions enough to be controlled at will."
"Interesting." I looked at the floor thinking. "I broke when I realized my family and friends were gone. I'm not sure if that's enough to say I know how to control my emotions but I know I have a pretty good hold on them."
"You'll just have to wait and see through your training." She drank some more of her water.
"Thank you Princess." Riley said. "I also know the Guardian is as it sounds. It's not only a guard for the United Nation of Galaxies, it's also a guard to anything and everything the Holder keeps close to them. The Guardian makes it its business to protect whatever the Holder loves."
"That works in my favor. Because I'm absolutely in love with Devin. And I'd do anything to protect her."
They both nodded then Riley said, "We should start your training tomorrow. The sooner the better. Princess are you willing to help me?"
"Of course." She smiled at him. I looked at them both before tilting my head.
"I meant to ask you both. Riley you're one of the Queen's best guards. And Amanda is the long lost princess no one knows is alive. How exactly did you both end up finding each other?"
Both Riley and Amanda looked at me then at each other before Amanda spoke.
"It was during my first couple years in the dungeons. I'd say my third or fourth year."

| 8 years ago |

Amanda sat in her cell silently speaking to herself. "It's gonna be okay. Because I got her out. I got Devin out. She's safe. Even if I don't live through this at least she's safe. As long as she's okay, I can go through anything Mother has for me." Suddenly, Amanda's body tensed up dangerously as she heard the door to the dungeons being opened, and heavy footsteps coming down the corridors. She let out a soft whimper as she covered her head with her hands, absolutely terrified. The footsteps came closer and closer, getting louder and louder before they stopped right at her cell door. There stood a man dressed in the formal Mopiteca red and gold general armor, holding a plate of mashed potatoes and meatloaf, looking down at her, before bowing.
"Princess Amanda. My name is Riley Foster. Today I was asked to bring you your meal." He unlocked her cell door, causing her to look up, revealing the tears in her eyes. He walked in and looked down at her before tilting his head. "Why are you crying?" He knelt down in front of her and took out a towelette to gently pat her cheeks and eyes dry. "A princess like you shouldn't be crying."
Amanda looked at him a bit confused before glancing at the food. It was 5:19 in the afternoon. She hadn't eaten all day. Riley noticed her gaze at the plate before smiling and picking it up.
"I was told you hadn't eaten today. I hope you enjoy this meal." He stood up and walked back out the cell, standing there against the bars with his arms crossed and a slight smile on his face.
She looked up at him then at the food before focusing solely on that.

| Back in the room |

"Ohh I see. So it was like my situation with Leo. He was tasked with being my delivery boy."
Riley nodded. "But it was only maybe four times I brought her food. The first time was because I was asked to. The second time was because I was told to. The last two times were because I wanted to. Then I just started visiting on my free time."
"After a couple of years of him visiting and taking care of me, I told him what I saw him as. A second father to me. He reminds me so much of my late father, Jackson, that I couldn't help but feel safe with him around."
"And then maybe a week or two before you were captured, Miss Tara, she worked up the courage to ask me to help her escape."
I blinked. "She just asked? Why did you accept? You're a high ranking general. If the queen found out it was you that helped Amanda escape-"
"I knew the risks." Riley cut me off saying. "But Amanda is the spitting image of my late niece, Rebecca. The queen stole her from me and sold her off to traders. I was helpless to stop it because at the time I was at a low rank. If I was at the rank I'm in now, I could've done something with the power I had. And I know Becky would never forgive me for letting her get taken. I couldn't handle knowing I had the power but decided not to use it to help another innocent girl I knew I could help. So I did. And besides, like you said. I'm a high ranking general. And the best the Queen's got. She couldn't afford to find another warrior like me. She's said so herself."
"I see... You knew what you'd be getting yourself into but you did it anyway. That's very noble of you Riley."
"Thank you."
I yawned slightly and shook my head a bit. Riley looked at me. "Are you tired, Miss Tara? You can nap if you'd like."
"No no I'm-" I yawned again before continuing, "Fine. I'm okay." I saw Amanda smile out of the corner of my eye so I looked at her. "What?"
"Nothing just.. you remind me of Devin when she didn't wanna go down for a nap as a child. It was cute. But you're old enough to know if you need a nap you should take one. Riley will watch over you while I try to strengthen your plan okay?"
I looked at him and was met with a warm smile. I sighed softly. "Okay fine." Amanda stretched and stood going to her old desk and sitting. I lied down in her bed and let out a quiet breath closing my eyes. Riley sat beside the bed and all at once I felt my entire body relax and drift off. Hopefully this plan works...

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