Chapter 29: Devin

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| Below the deck of the Cherry Blossom, 1:30 in the morning |

Its been nearly four days since Tara's been kidnapped... And nobody's stopped to even consider the danger she's in... Yolaris has her.. she's being taken to that monster right now and nobody's doing anything to help....
I held my legs close to my chest sitting against the wall of the bed I shared with her... It feels so empty without her here... I have to do something. I can't just sit here while she's in Yolaris' grasp. I stood up and carefully tip toed my way to the stairs leading up to the main deck. Poking my head out no further than the floor of the main deck, I checked to make sure everyone was asleep before going back down. I looked around my room. "A backpack.. thats what I need first." As I began to search the room for an appropriate bag for this plan, I started thinking to myself. My mind kept switching between my mother and Tara being delivered to her. My mother... the most ruthless person I'd ever known. Both my father and older sister lost their lives at her hand. And now the only person I've ever wanted to give my heart to is going to be taken from me as well. I don't understand why my Memory didn't warn me that she was going to be captured. It tells me everything else. But in that moment when she really needed help.. when we were defenseless, she was taken right from under me. I need to get her back. I can't afford to lose another person I love because of Yolaris.
I was midway done with packing when I heard footsteps coming downstairs, then a familiar voice.
"What do you think you're doing Strawberry?"
I turned to see Jasmine standing at the bottom of the steps, looking at me with her arms crossed. I just looked at her before going back to what I was doing. "I'm packing. If you guys aren't going to help me get Tara back then I'm going by myself."
"Are you insane? Devin you have absolutely no idea what you could be walking into- use your head!"
I looked at her coldly. "I'm going. You aren't going to stop me." To my gaze I saw her recede a bit. But she stood her ground.
"Devin. Please be reasonable. You don't have any weapons. You don't have any combat experience. You don't even have a map or compass. Just how do you plan on going after them with no trail to follow?"
I returned my attention back to what I was doing. "Following their energy isn't hard. I've already got Tara's locked into my senses. So I'll follow that. I know Patrick has a spare ship on this thing. I'll be taking that."
"And what exactly do you plan on doing if you miraculously manage to catch up with them and get to Tara? Devin you're being irrational. Think about this."
I just glared back at her. "I did Jasmine! And I came to the realization that if I don't go after them NOW, by the time Patrick actually decides to follow them Tara might already BE DEAD!! I REFUSE TO LET HER TAKE SOMEONE ELSE FROM ME!!"
"Shh shh- quiet-" She immediately covered my mouth looking up at the stairs then looking into my eyes, them just glaring back into hers with flowing tears. She then sighed softly and lowered her hand. "I understand how important this is to you kiddo..."
"Do you really? Then why are you trying to stop me?" She looked at me, her arms crossed, eyes full of worry.
"Its because I know how stubborn you are. I know how persistent you are. And I know how reckless you get when fueled by your emotions. Neither I or Patrick want to lose you to that devil too Devin... you've been like a daughter to me. I want to keep you safe."
I swallowed and just sighed letting my glare drop. "I know Jasmine... Truth be told, you've been the only woman I've ever seen as a mother. But if you really understand why I'm doing this then please don't try and stop me. I need her. I can't keep thinking about what Yolaris will do to her if we can't get there in time. I don't need to be stopped. I need support. Please. As my mother figure.. please support me on this." She looked at me and met my pleading glossy eyes. I felt myself tearing up just from anticipating her answer. She took a breath and slowly let it out.
"I think this is absolutely crazy. But... if its support you need then you can rely on me."
I teared up more looking at her and just hugged her tightly. "Thank you.." I felt her squeeze me just as tightly, and all at once, my entire body relaxed from her hold. We stayed like that for a bit before I pulled away and wiped my eyes clean. She looked at me then at my backpack.
"What all have you packed?"
I looked at the bed. "Essentials. Clothes, preserves, and a handgun I bought in the Rëpica market." She went to the bed and looked through the bag.
"You don't even have ammo for it. Nor a GPS. Alright wait here." She walked back upstairs, leaving me to get caught up in my thoughts again.
I understand why she's so concerned about me... I remember when she first found me. I was seven, alone, crying under the dock of another ship based city. She came across me while getting supplies for the Cherry Blossom. After half an hour of attempting to calm me down she brought me back to Patrick. That's also how I first met him. And ever since then they've been there for me whenever I needed them. Jasmine gave me the love of a mother I never thought existed. And Patrick gave me the love of a father I missed. I wouldn't want to lose them either. But I need to do this.
She walked back down with a satchel and handed it to me. "Here" she said. "This has plenty of ammo, supplements for underwater travel as well as aura ghosting, another pistol and a butterfly knife. And I gave you a compass you can lock Tara's energy into so it'll be easier to follow and a map." She then took out a set of keys. "These are the keys to the spare ship. It has cloaking so you can leave silently."
I looked at them then at her and just smiled. "Thank you Jasmine.." I said as I took them. She sighed softly crossing her arms again.
"I can cover for you the best I can if Patrick notices. But I make no promises."
I nodded pulling the satchel and pack on. "That's all I need. By the time he realizes I'm gone I should already be closing in on them." I walked around the room to make sure I haven't forgotten anything I need. Jasmine just stood there watching me and I could feel her gaze. After making sure I had everything I carefully and quietly made my way upstairs to the end of the ship, Jasmine following. She opened the hatch of the spare cruiser for me to climb down into and helped me into it. I looked up at her. "Thank you for this Jasmine. It means so much to me." She glanced away silently for a second before just lightly kissing my forehead.
"Please just stay safe Devin. That's all I care about. Your safety."
I blinked looking up at her and touched my forehead where her lips just were, her just looking down at me with motherly worry in her eyes. "I.. I can't promise my safety. You know as well as I do how dangerous what I'm doing is." I sat my backpack and satchel down at my feet and started the ship. "I promise I'll do my best to be careful. But if Patrick won't go then I'll do it myself."
She looked down for a bit before reaching in her pocket. "Take this then."
I looked at her then at her outstretched hand, it holding a studded silver necklace with a beautifully crafted jewel pendant. "What's this for?" I asked as I pulled it on.
"It's a protection charm. If you find yourself in a battle you can't win, that will keep you safe long enough to escape."
I looked down at it sitting around my neck and smiled. "Thanks Jaz." She looked at me and kissed my forehead once more before saying, "I love you Devin" and closing the hatch door. I watched her step back as I put the ship in reverse and sped away into the galaxy night. My eyes focused solely on the path in front of me as I hit the FTL button and warped into the stars.
"Don't worry Tara. I'm coming."

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