Chapter 7: Devin

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It took us about two days before we got to Reiplus. When we got there, I noticed Tara was amazed at how many boats and ships we saw. It was stunning. There were ships with all different types of names and engravings. It was so cool. As we walked around town, all the men and women greeted me with gratefulness but a hint of fear as well. I already knew Tara was a bit confused but she, thankfully, didn't question it. We started walking again looking around in awe when Tara bumped into someone. We looked up at him and he was huge. I then looked at Tara and she stared up at him. She guessed he was a pirate from his uniform. He wore a black leather jacket with a brown leather interior and belt. On his jacket were a bunch of medals and buttons. She also noticed a hand stitched writing on the right side of his jacket. Though I could tell she couldn't make out what it said. He looked down down at her then spoke. His voice was deep and loud. Like a cannon. And his accent was a heavy Irish-Russian like.
"Hey now. You had better watch where yer goin little lady. A little doll like yerself could get hurt in a place like this." He then extended his hand to help her up. As he smiled, his beard wrinkled a little with it. She swallowed then took his hand and pulled herself up, dusting herself off. I giggled when she jumped at his sudden laughter. It was like a bellowing whale. Deep and hearty. And my giggle caused her to look down blushing softly. "Devin. Been a while there doll face." He chuckled petting me. Tara watched as he continued. "How's my little sidekick doin these days huh?"
I giggled again fixing my hair. "I'm doing fine Uncle Pat."
"Yes I can see that. Ya seem to get more beautiful every day I see ya. Jus like yer sister yeah?" He placed his hand on my cheek as I smiled nuzzling into it. I watched with a smile. He was kind of like a father to me.
"Yeah. Just like her. Uncle I miss her so much."
"I know darlin. I know. Tis a shame what happened to Amanda. But I know she's in a better place now. With yer father right?"
"Y-Yeah. With Dad..."
"Aye! So perk up there little one. I'm sure Amanda and Jackson are both thinkin of ya yeah?"
I sniffled and smiled a bit. "Yeah."
"There's the smile. Bright n beautiful. So. Ya never introduced me to yer little friend here Devin."
"Oh right. Uncle. This is my friend Tara Koldem. We met day days ago. I found her passed out by my tree and decided to bring her inside. Tara this is Patrick Jormung. My pirate uncle."
Tara looked up at him as he held his hand out for a shake. She then shook his hand. Her hand was like a baby's compared to his. His size is still amazing.
"Tara Koldem huh? Nice to meet ya Koldem. Yer last name is famous 'round here. Ya know that right?"
"Oh ya never knew huh? Yer uncle married into a real wealthy family from Mopiteca. By the name of the Hugos. Ya look just like him. In fact I bet if anyone 'round here knew him, they'd spot you were his niece a mile away. Unfortunate though. Poor lad died in his sleep at age 29. Yer father hasn't been the same since."
"I see."
"Yeah. He and yer uncle were closer than two peas in a pod. So hearin 'bout yer uncle's death took a huge toll on yer dad."
"Do you know how my uncle died?"
"Aye that's some'n I couldn't tell ya even if I knew."
"Well I want to live. Its not much but the money I make is enough to sustain me and my family. If I were to tell ya, I'd might as well commit suicide."
"Oh. I see."
"Yea' sorry bout that little lady. How is yer old man by the way? I haven't spoken to the lad in ages." Tara looked down quietly then went to start speaking. That's when I intervened.
"We are getting SO off topic. Uncle. I came to see you because I wanted to know if your ship was repaired."
"Oh? Why?"
"Tara and I need to go visit Matthew."
"The little blacksmith? Why d'ya want to visit him?"
"We need some armor and weapons."
"For what?"
"We're going to Icamus. She has business with the queen."
"I see. Um Dev. May I have a little word with you?" He walked into a corner with me leaving Tara there standing there. Tho she wasn't alone for long. People who passed her always either took a picture or offered her some rare trinket. That was gonna get overwhelming soon. Very soon.
"What is it Uncle?"
"Devin. Now I know yer still angry at the queen for what she did to Mandy but come on. This is Yolaris we're talkin bout."
"Uncle this isn't just about me anymore. I've finally found someone with the same views on her just like me. We have the same goal here. Why would I pass this up?"
"Dev taking on yer mother to avenge Mandy's death isn't going to bring her back."
"That's not what I'm doing it for Uncle. She shouldn't have killed her own daughter for trying to protect her little sister from abuse."
"Devin. Now listen. Yes I agree Carla shouldn't have killed yer sister. But she's the QUEEN for Pete's sake. It doesn't matter if you are her daughter or not. Doesn't even matter if you are her YOUNGEST. She won't hesitate to murder you either. I can't lose you too Devin. Please don't do it."
"Uncle I love you. You know I do. But I finally found someone who has the same ambition that I do. I need to do this. For me, Tara and Mandy."
"And what're you gonna do when she finds out who you really are and why yer going with her?"
"We made a promise to stay with each other no matter what. I'll tell her eventually but for now she doesn't need to know."
"Devin. Do you like this girl?"
"What?! That's absurd."
"Devin. I know ya. And its not like you to be so invested in someone. Don't lie to me little lady."
"Alright alright. She seems.... fun to be around. She just makes me comfy and safe for some reason. B-But thats it!"
"I see."
"L-Look could we just borrow your ship?"
She glanced over at us hearing his laugh. I felt her gaze. And that just made me blush more, causing Patrick to laugh harder.
"Sure. It just came in last night." He then walked up to the crowd and shuffled people away. "Move along people. Nothin to see here."
"Whew! Thank you so much Mr. Jormung."
"Haha. No problem darlin. And Mr. Jormung was my father. Call me Pat."
"Thanks. So any word on your boat?"
"Yea' Devin asked if you could borrow it."
"Yeah to get to Icamus."
"Come on then. We're burnin daylight yeah? Follow."
Tara glanced at me then looked confused. I was just standing there with a dazed look. She walked over and tapped me.
"You okay Devin?" She jumped back when my head whipped towards her.
"H-Huh? What?"
"Um.. I asked if you were okay. You seemed out of it." She noticed I had a rose red blush on my face.
"Oh! Uh...y-yeah. Yeah I'm fine. Just... daydreaming."
"Um... okay? Well your uncle said we can use his boat so come on." She walked away, giving me a strange look. This.. was so embarrassing. But I shook my head once Patrick called to me.
"R-Right! Coming." I quickly followed her and uncle onto the ship.
"A'right girls. Welcome aboard the Cherry Blossom. My pride n joy."
"Its beautiful Pat."
"Why thank ya Koldem. Now. The journey to Ic'mus will take 'bout four days and three nights so you two might wanna get comfy. Unfortunate we only have two rooms. So you two will have to share a room."
"Oh that's no problem at all Patrick. As long as we get there."
"Nothin to worry 'bout little lady. Me n my crew won't let nun happen to you girls. Swear on my life."
"Well now. Its a'most nine pm. You two had better head down to bed now. We've got a long trip 'head of us."
One of Pat's crew members showed us the rooms and they were gorgeous. He then showed us to our room.
"Thank you."
"No problem kid. Stay safe and sweet dreams." He walked out closing the door behind him.
"So Devin. How should we do this? One sleep on the floor or we both sleep in the bed?"
"W-Well I don't mind sharing a bed with you."
"Alright then." She then turned around and pulled off her shirt. I swallowed watching as she undid her jeans. Her body... it had the perfect amount of muscle.. I noticed a crossed scar on her lower back as she pulled her jeans off. Light freckles all over her beautiful pale skin. Her blonde hair fell almost flawlessly down her back.
"Are you coming Devin?" She looked at me as she asked this. And just as her body, I got stuck staring at her face and caught myself admiring all her features. Light hazel eyes with a small glimmer. A cute round nose covered with her freckles. Plump and rosy red lips. A scar going down her cheek.
"Um... Devin?"
I blinked before noticing her looking at me confused. I then realized that I'd been staring at her for four minutes. She tilted her head looking at me.
"Are you okay?"
"Y-Yes! Of course!"
She looked confused before just smiling at me. "Alright. Let's get ready for bed then."
"R-Right- yes- o-okay." I stood and began undressing myself quickly. Oh my god.. She saw me. She saw me staring at her. I just focused on myself, silently panicking inside, and took about three minutes to get ready. When I turned back to her she was already knocked out in bed. Its been a long time before we got the chance to rest like this. I smiled a bit seeing her sleeping face then climbed in bed beside her. I made sure to face her so I could watch. Her features... they were so well defined. This girl was picturesque. To have someone this perfect in my life. I can't afford to lose her.

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