Chapter 6

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We ran. As far as we know, they didn't chase us.

The city was not glowing. The way it used to was almost blinding. That was almost 20 years ago, and 4 years afterwards, the apoclypse happened, and people were turned. That, or killed each other off.

America. It was hit the hardest. That is what I believe.

"Do you think that Europe was hit?" asked Katilia, gazing east of us.

"Probably. It looks like it to us. Probably inwards would be hit the worst." said James, looking up at Katilia.

She nodded, and looked at the coast. It shimmered, but with the sun, it was blinding. Clouds covered, and the coldness of the winter kicked in.

"Is it cold, or is it just me?" asked James, grabbing Martain, and holding him.

"It's not just you." I replied, putting my hand out, and to see a snowflake.

The snow has heavy, and we walked. Every minute, It got colder. The sun didn't help, and seeked refuge in a old country house.

It had a wood burning oven and fireplace. James went outside and brought in all the wood he could before the snow was too high.

"So, about surviving." Said Katilia
"Well, we definitely need food. We don't need water now" I said.
"Where are we going to get water?" Asked James.
"We can heat up the snow" I said bluntly
"How do you know that?" Asked Katilia, staring out the glass window, the snow piling up 4 inches a minute it seems like.
"I went to survival camp, or summer camp. Same thing"
The little farm house had a few rooms. A couple bedrooms and a livingroom.
"Who's taking first shift?" I asked, staring at the window.
"I will" said James.
I nodded and looked into the bedrooms. It had a big bed; enough for two people at least, then a small bed.

The snow packed, and then the sky was no longer visible.

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