Chapter 28

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When I opened my eyes, I was in a cell. He was next to me, his eyes closed also.
"Bryan. Wake up!" I scream whispered.
That was enough to wake him up, and he looked around. Then he looked at me.
"Well, well. Two love birds. How sweet." Said a feminine voice.
'Please be it not her'
The owner of the voice was indeed her.
"Amazing. You fell into my trap." She continued.
"Actually. No, I didn't because I came in here on my own terms. I wasn't forced by anyone" I spat back
"Tisk-tisk. Feisty one, aren't you." She replied.
"Says you because you killed innocent people, and for what? To say you did something with your life."
I sat on the bench as she watched from the overhang room.
"Now is the time for the greatest test in history!" She exclaimed.
The doors to the cells flung open, and on the opposite side of the room were a lot of zombies. 
I had a feeling that she had done something to me before she put me in this cage. I slowly walked out of it, and the zombies looked at me and came towards me.
I wasn't surprised. She was the one that would do that type of thing.
I walked out fully and jumped onto the cage ceiling, grasping it.
The zombies below me tried to climb up. I looked to my side and saw Bryan with a gun. He shot all the ammo and there were a few left. They'd been distracted with me so they didn't acknowledge the gun going off.
When the zombies did notice him, I was behind them with a knife.i stabbed the back of their rotten flesh that stunk of sour milk and rotting meat.
Bryan stepped in front of me as I turned to block a bullet. He knew it was there.
"No, please. Not you too," I wept tears on his chest.
"I am fine" he said, looking at his chest. The bullet has become part of him and he then covered it up.
"What is with you monsters. I just wanted the world to be me and my descendants only!" Screamed the scientist. I had long forgotten her name, nor do I care to remember it.
Sirens went off and strong winds blew over the nuclear power plant.
"Come on! Into the safe room!" I yelled, starting to sprint towards the door.
"No point, Jess. There is none." The scientist cried.
I continued to run, leaving them behind. I knew I had to get to the ones that had the serum that kept me alive.

The long corridors eventually led to them. I pushed open the doors. They stared at me.
"I don't feel well." I moaned.
One came over and braced me over to a seat.
"The change of what was in your blood is making you lightheaded. I don't understand why she took it out of you, though." The old man whispered
He continued, "I heard you scream to the safe room. This is the safe room. That's why we chose it. Anyways. Bring the serum."

It was going to be hell all over again.

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