Chapter 25

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Slowly hitting the lever, I made as little sound to get out of there. I threw the rocks at the lever and it was closed within quite a few rocks.
I made sure I had me crossbow and arrows and put on my quiver and carried the crossbow. It was attached to my lower right arm.
When I got out of the cellar, the signs of dawn were clear.
As I got to the top of the worn out oak stairs, I heard voices from the house.
I crawled over to the windows and there they were. The group I have left.

I thought about what they have said yesterday. They said they needed me so they could get some kids grandma back. Knowing it was a trap, I did my best to stay out of sight.
The glass was broken and the ugly green curtains were ripped and stained with blood. The grass was also so, I assumed that they were fighting earlier.
I stayed as close as I wanted to be as I listened.

"She must be here somewhere. Unless she ran in another direction, which I doubt she -"
I could hear the rest of it as zombies came. Though I was immune and they didn't care that I was there, I was still cautious of them. Any moment they might notice me not being undead and will attack me.

I hurried into the pine tree that was kinda near the house and set up a trap and useless supplies to lure them in. I had a bad feeling that the woman that made me this way had them out for me.

I ran over to a couple blocks away and shot 5 pistol bullets and hoped that they heard it.
I hurried to the roofs and stalked them. The only thing that would be good to have was antidotes for friends.

I needed the scientists that help me survive when I was near my father and that woman.
Now that I think about it, I wonder if my grandma is alive. My mom died when I was 6 and I don't remember much. She was nice and was skinny. From what i remember was that she was dying her hair to get it to brown because she was a blonde. My dad had brown hair and she wanted to be like him. I don't know if she was tall, but at the time she was to me.

I left my thoughts behind and went to the task at hand. I heard footsteps. Yes, they were semi quiet but because everyone in the group was practically there, I could hear them.
I aimed my crossbow at them and sent a warning arrow.
I watched the arrow and as the boy that was a jerk jumped to shoot his gun at a zombie, it landed in his head.
I slid down the side of the roof and sobbed. I usually don't cry but I just killed a human. I never intended to.
I parkoured across the rooftops and fell down on a green house. I was only a block away but I would have to rush. They must've left their stuff here.
Once I got to the street,  checked the pine tree. The stuff was gone. They took the bait. Soon as they use it, each one will blow up but the band aid.

I need the scientists. They could help me not be followed by people every 60 ft.

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