Chapter 20

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The downpour never let up, leaving us with a rainy day.
"We need to stock up." I decided.
"But where. We have looted everywhere for the next mile in each way" said a voice.
"Who said that."
The person who spoke soon came out. It was Carl
"Carl! Your alive."
"Only me though."
Justin came out of the blanketed tent and said, "What do you mean?"
"You know what I mean."
I looked towards him and saw grief in his face.
"It's ok." I said, walking over to him
"It's not. She was the only family I have left.
"I believe that my dad is my only family left. I abandoned my siblings. Plus, my dad tried to kill me."
He looked up, eyes watering. He had been crying.
"Fate has chosen her path. Let fate choose  yours now." I finished.
The rain let up and by it was almost nightfall, the sun came out.
Zombies were nowhere to be seen, but I stayed up with Justin all night. Only shooting the zombies oar to camp with the silent weapons.

Maybe I am the curse

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