Chapter 33

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I woke up early and got dressed. Looking out the window that I didn't even realize was there, I saw how advanced the world has gotten.
I saw hover cars and boots; both extremely cool looking. The cars has blue rings going to the ground and dispersing into nothing. The hover boots looked like ancient technology or even alien tech.
I closed the blinds and grabbed the only picture left of my family.
"I caused all of this. I should've been dead." I wailed, causing some commotion outside my room.
The doors to my room opened and I cried into my pillow and squeezed it.
"Hey Jessica, we have good news." A lady asked.
I looked up and saw what she was holding. It was a letter and it said For Gifted Student. She handed it to me and opened it up.
The fancy paper was long and expressive. It explained the school in even further detail then the magazine did.
At the bottom, I had to sign my name and some personal information in case I got in. I handed the letter back to the lady and left with it.

In the cafeteria, I grabbed an apple and ate it fast. I walked out of the room and went to the floor of Dr. Wasabi. I was starting to get used to him.
He was nice and helpful to me more then any other person. I looked at the wall when I entered his waiting area and realized he had pictures and articles of his most famous work and tests.
He called me into the room and I sat in the usual chair. I examined the room like I did with the waiting room. It had no articles or anything.
"Interested in something?" He asked, looking at me.
"No. The room just looked different to me." I replied.
"Nope. It's the same room. Anyways, the office has a gift for you, and it's waiting in your room. I see you also read the college note."
I nodded and looked to him. He was tired and sleepy
"You look incredibly tired. How long did you sleep?" I asked him.
"I haven't slept in 4 days. I have too many meetings and tests to run."
"Sleep, Dr. Wasabi. You need it. " I said more like a command then a suggestion.
"I know. After you, I took the rest of the day off and tomorrow off. I am going to sleep. Anyways, how do you feel?"
"Fine. I am just getting used to the routine and area." I replied.
He jotted it down and looked up at me and passed out. I jumped off the chair and checked his pulse. He still had one. I opened the door and called for a nurse.
A nurse came running down and back to grab a stretcher to carry him back to his room
The stretcher created a forcefield around itself and went a small amount of speed, but enough that it wouldn't bother anybody. It took his body out of the office and the nurse told me to go back to my room.
I left the office and hurried to my floor and into my room. Laying on my bed was a pair of green hover boots. I gasped and shrieked in excitement. I put them on and walked around. They didn't hover. Then I realized I had to turn it on. I turned them on and I hovered a few inches in the air and then to a foot in the air.
I flew around my room before turning them off and charged them. I laid on my bed because of the exhaustion Rolf walking hurt and I passed out before you could say 'I'

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