Chapter 26

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I sprint to the road I had ran from. Halfway down, I heard guns click.
"Well, shit" I said.
I put an arrow in my Crossbow. I scurried to the side, and climbed up a tree.
Just my luck, because there was someone behind it and they shot a bullet.
I grazed my shoulder and I whinced in pain.
"Fuck you Bryan. Stop scaring the shit out of me" I yelled
He looked at me and replied "Sorry Jessica"
"I told you to call me Jess. Not Jessica. That is what they know me by. They might not know that I have 5 other nicknames."
"Ok Classy Jess."
I rolled my eyes.
We walked down the road and I told him what happened.
"Well, you survived enough. But I will never be calm about the Japanese bombing every major city with this epidemic."
"Amen Bryan"
As the sun came to set, I hustled him up a tree and I went to sleep on the opposite side but a bit higher.
The wound I had before Bryan shot me was healed and I took the gauze off. I took my backpack off, and got a clean gauze and applied it to my grazed wound on my shoulder.
My bloodstained clothes hid me well in the falling night skies and in the tree.
Every time I see a boy, I always think of him being my own and only.

My siblings, James, Katilia and Martian were probably following every order my dad gives them. Not knowing what to do. I had to sacrifice myself somehow. My life for theirs or my life for the land that was once America and Canada. Mexico never intervened with anything and that saved them more times than I can count.
The scientists could remove this ability and then give it to me again after she figures out that I am just lucky, not special.
The rough bark wasn't the best place to sleep, but it is better then the concrete flooring I have been sleeping on for the past couple days.  I fell asleep

I woke up and climbed down and woke up Bryan. His tired face made me think twice but he was fine with it. A little jog would help him wake up.

Time to find the scientists.

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