Chapter 32

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I woke up and looked at the clock, and it said 9:30am. I slowly got up and grabbed clothes that were laid out for me. They were jeans with a pink kawaii shirt.
I took a shower and put on the clothes. Eventually I made it downstairs into the cafeteria where they were serving breakfast.
What was laid out was cereal, biscuits, pancakes and bacon. There were also eggs. Seemed like a typical breakfast to me.
I scooped up eggs, pancakes and bacon and sat down at a table and picked away at it.
When I finished, I looked up at the clock. It said 9:50am.

I have 10 minutes, I thought to myself, I need to make it to the room.

I hurried out the cafeteria doors and run up several flights of stairs to the room I was residing in. I quickly punched in the passcode and picked up the note of where I needed to be in 6 minutes.

Glancing at it, I could barely make out the cursive writing. The numbers were the only thing that I could read clearly. Putting the note in my pocket, I went out of my room and went to room 246, which was on floor 6, 3 floors above me.

I pushed the door open and sat in the wating area of the room. When the clock turned 10am, Dr. Wasabi came out and got me. He held the door open for me and I walked through it, soon sitting on the chair I sat in yesterday.

"As you know, we have more questions, but first, we have your blood test results." Dr. Wasabi stated and handed me the clipboard. It said I had a 'O' blood type.

"What is O blood type?" I asked, not looking up from the clipboard.

"Well, O is an unversal blood type. That being said, that means that it can be used on anyone. Anyone who has 'A', 'B'. or 'AB' blood type can get it."

I looked up and slightly nodded, "I wasn't in school alot. I was homeschooled, but I had friends who were in the public schools around me." I had only gotten to 8th grade mathematics, 8th grade reading, 7th grade science, and 6th grade Social Studies.

"Hm. Maybe sometime we could arrange a teacher to help you get caught up. How old are you again?"

"I am 17, I think." I could never remember my birthday and being in the apocalypse didnt help me either.

"Well, do you remember what date you were born on?"

"Um. Yes, I do. I was born on May 26th"

"Do you know the year?"

I shook my head in response. I was never told of the yera I was born. Staring at him, he walked out and within 5 minutes, he came back with a machine.

"What is that?" I asked, looking at the machine,

"It is called Age Checker. It how we make sure that kids don't buy drugs if they are underage. We check their age with this. But it has other purposes, too."

He put the machine up to my face, and it beeped alot. He eventually took it off of my face and he looked at the machine.

"It is telling me that you're 19. As far as I know, this thing is the most accurate one we have."

I sighed, "I don't know how to do alot of things that Japan has. When the apocalypse happened in America, I was barely 15. People around us changed and fought us for our food."

He nodded, and he stood up and pulled my arm. I slowly stood up and he tugged me towards some books. He lifted one and handed it to me.
I stared at it's cover. It looked like hieroglyphics to me, like the Egyptian ones.
"What does this say?" I asked him, showing him the cover.
"It says 'Top Colleges Weekly' and it's from this week." He smiled. His black hair was messy, as if he had just woken up.
I pulled open the front page, and the words inside were English. I read the names of the colleges. There was one in particular that I liked. It was called School For The Gifted Individuals
I read what it was about and it intrigued me even more. It even allowed people with special capabilities. Thinking about it, I looked to the cost. It was over 9 grand. Though this was the cheapest, I also felt like I would belong there.

"Practically every job, except the fast food joints around the world, require college degrees." He looked to the magazine, "You want to go there?"

I nodded, and thought how I would have to sign for a job at a fast food joint. I knew how I could be secluded at most times, and Dr. Wasabi put his hand on my shoulder.

"We can make this thing happen. Considering that you are a test subject for a cure, they will allow you to go to college."

What he said rang around in my mind, leaving me shocked for him to say that. I was the cure, and I was no test subject. Glancing around the room, I witnessed several cameras focused on the room and area.

"Anyways, it's late. You should get some sleep. Meet again the day after tomorrow. You'll get notified tomorrow and when your alarm clock goes off in the morning." He yawned and he patted my back.

I walked through the door and back the way I came. It seemed repetitive path I seemed to take often. The elevator was down, so I took the stairs to my floor. Before going down, I saw Dr. Wasabi talking to one of the desk ladies, the magazine in hand. The girl nodded and Dr. Wasabi looked in my direction and I hurried down.

Once to my floor, I passed several hallways and rooms before getting to mine. I punched in the code and pushed the door open. I turned on the lights and changed clothes. I happily jumped into bed and was out before I knew it.

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