Chapter 14

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I woke up in a chair, strapped in so I wouldn't escape. I struggled and tried to get out. John looked at me, I sighed.

A scientist grabbed some needles and said, "I am going to put some calming medicine in you. What I am going to do is take some blood so we give out the cure. We are taking 3 blood needles."

I nodded and asked, "How long is this going to take?"

"Not very long. My guess is a couple minutes or so."
I nodded and he put me under. It was a blur. I must've passed out because when I woke, I was in a cell. A lab cell. There was blue glass around me and an iron ceiling.

I was wondering where I was until a scientist came in and opened it up.

"That was to hold you until you woke." Said the man.

I nodded, not understanding what was going on. I stumbled my way to the door, and I could kinda walk. I soon was able to walk agian

'Are they nice, or not?'

That thought surrounded me like a swarm of lotuses. I annoyed me so much that I sat my cell, thinking of how to solve it.

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