Chapter 21

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I got up and left the camp during the night. They didn't need me anymore and now I could live on my own. I would be fine.
I grabbed a crossbow that they had and took about 20 arrows.
Hours later the sun came up and I could see where the zombies were at and shot the ones that got near me.
The sounds of the undead filled the air as I saw a person being overwhelmed. I wanted to help but couldn't so I ran until I reached a gray building. It was worn down and partially destroyed but nothing that was going to bother me was in there.
I crept inside to see if anything was there. Humans remains were and the foul smelling air filled the room.
Feeling nauseous I stepped outside to where it would be better.
I decided to climb the building using the vines that overgrown onto it.
I was soon onto the roof and I looked out onto the area. Zombies from that girl have finalized her. She was meerly a zombie now.
I was free and I could roam this small town. Surely people have attacked multiple stores, but there is always something left. Like furniture that it turn into stakes to protect it from zombies. Lanterns that use fire or a battery to light up the night sky. Chairs to make beds for the wounded. So much stuff but always sometimes impossible.
"What am I going to do"

I grabbed some sheets and laid on the cold hard ground and fell asleep

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