Chapter 2

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As I walked down the corridor to my apartment, I heard a scream from outside.
I rushed to my sniper and grabbed ammunition and bolted down the quartz stairs.
When I got outside the apartment building, I hurried to where I heard the scream.
I put my sniper up and saw it was a little girl.
I rushed over to her and shot the zombies dead
"Are you alright?" I asked the little girl, putting my hand on her shoulder
"Why did they want me?" She asked
"Those things are called zombies. Do you have a family?" I replied calmly
"No" she whispered that it would seem that only a cat could hear.
"Ok." I said standing up, "Come with me"
She grabbed me hand and we walked towards the apartment building.

As we walked up the stairs, I heard noises.

"Whats that?" the girl asked

"I dont know. Come on, we'll hurry up to the room and I will go see"

"Ok" and we walked up the stairs

Her voice was like a calm ocean with little waves crashing on the beach.

Man, how I would love to be back in California with my family. I would be texting Ali and Brittney while I was on San Juan beach.

I shook the thought out of my head and continued up until the 5th floor.

"Go in." I said as calmly as I could

She nodded and walked in.

"And before you go any furt----"


I turned around to see around 20 zombies

"Oh, Lord! NO!" I yelled and shut the door.


.I nodded

"I was going to ask what your name is" I said, grabbing the dark oak table and barricading the door

"My name?"


"My name is Angel. Angel of Death. But at least that is what they called me. Now my name is Angel of Hope"

"Can I call you Hope?" I asked

"Yes, Jennifer"

"How do you know me"

"I know everyone's name, but nothing else about them" Hope said

I nodded and pushed a couch against the door, which had some cracks and scrapes.


"What was that?" Hope asked

"Probably my family" I replied
"Oh" Obviously she didn't know who they were.
Thoughts flooded my head and I took no notice of them.
Hope paced around the livingroom of the apartment.
"It's alright, Hope. At least soon we will leave this god forbidden area." I said
She still paced, but a little bit slower.
The door opened and saw my family.
I got up from my crouching position
"Hope, meet my family. Guys, meet the Angel of Death or as she is now known as is Angel of Hope. I call her Hope"
Hope nodded.
My family stood still.
"Come on, we gotta leave. Like now" I said
Everyone nodded and we walked up to the actual apartment.

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