Author's Note

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Hey Guys!

I have been planning two more books, so expect them sometime soon.

The first one that will be released will be Before It Happened. Its before the apocalypse happened, meaning her parents are there, along with everyone else. All the speculation and everything!

The second one will be After the Apocalypse. It will be about a year ahead of where this book left off, so she will be more mature and everything else. Maybe even have a special someone. Also, I will be leaving little surprises in there, so look out for that.

I know, its kinda overdue, especially when I am working on two other books that haven't been released yet. Expect one of them sometime December 2016 or February of 2017. Yes, its kinda far in the future, but I will be writing the books in my free time and just out of boredom. 

Thank you all for reading my book, and hopefully I will see you all in the next one!


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