Chapter 7

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The snow never stopped coming down; as it came down in feet. The chimney was soon put out by the snow that crept in, and soon the wood burning oven was our only heat source.
Martian, obviously not awake, was in the twin sized bed with Katilia. I had lost track of the time, and was soon no longer sure what time or day it was.
"Do we have any food?" Asked James, helping me out firewood into the stove.
"We have some beans and some Cup o' Noodles. Not much else." I replied, heaving out the ash.
"Ugh. We may need to go out, but there is too much snow." James said.
He was right. There was too much snow. There was no way we were getting out.
I looked at him, carrying the wood, and smiling. He sacrificed many things for us.
The ash was still smoldering. I set in the ash box that was near the oven. Sparks flew but nothing caught fire.
As what I thought was the sun going down, the mountain was shimmering as I found my way out of the cottage.
"Ah" I said, pleased with the sight. I looked around, and spotted some zombies.
I hustled up from the ground, and went back through the chimney; the way I found that I could out.
"Where have you been?" Asked Katilia
"I have been waiting for you"
"Really? I have been outside." I replied, looking at Martian.
"How could you been outside?"
"I went through the chimney stack "
"Oh. How was the chimney clear of snow?"
"It wasn't. I just opened it and the snow fell in. It isn't snowing outside."
She nodded and looked at Martain.
Even though the snow stopped, I had a feeling that something is coming.

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