Chapter 18

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The night drew closer and so did the zombies. The groans and the smell made it sure that they were coming. The sky was almost black until the little girl was bitten.
"You got to help her" said the old woman
"There isn't enough materials to help her."
"What materials?" Asked Justin
"Like you care"
"I may be a jerk, but I have to keep some fun or everyone is dead silent."

I thought about what he said. It made sense.
"I need a blood bag, something comfy for her to lay on, an iv and a chair."
"Want me to send search parties for the stuff we don't have?"
"Only if it's really vital. Like the blood bag and iv."
"We have a blood bag, not an iv though. "

"Send a party of three. I don't want to loose valueable time on the child."
Justin was good at choosing who to go on the search party, because they were back fairly quick"
"Knife" I said
The old woman handed me one
I stabbed myself a little bit and got two drops of blood.
"Is that going to be enough?" Asked Justin.
"Yes. Blood bag"
He handed over the bag and I put some of my blood in it.

'This better work.'
I stuck the iv in her and the blood went in.
"If she is alive in the morning, my blood worked. But my blood will die after the infection is gone." I stated
Everyone that was near sighed in relief.
"If she is not, the zombie toxin was in the upper hand. If we see her dead, there was no way for me to know that there was that much. We will give her a proper burial."
"Anyone that has been set for Guard 1 take your shift now. You will wake up Guard 2'a and the guard 2's will wake up the Guard 3s. Lights out in 2 minutes." Said Justin

Was he defending me or plotting a way to use me? Whatever it was. I just hope it's not going to lead to my old group.

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