Chapter 22

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I woke up with a startle and saw two figures outside the window. I made myself look dead and when they came to look to see if anything was left, I tried to stay a silent and still as possible.
"This place has nothing. Nothing left. Before we came, someone was surely here because there was stakes outside" the first figure grumbled.
"Yeah" the second one replied with a smug voice.
After they left for sure, got up and grabbed my gun. Switching for a different one before I left, I have a crossbow with enough arrows. And I always have a pistol and knife just in case.
The sun rose and I ran out the door, hoping that the men left. As soon as I left the door, I saw a bag. Knowing that they were going to capture me, I ran through. And pulled out my crossbow and pistol.
The men were surely expecting this, but they didn't. 
Putting my crossbow away and pistol into my pocket, the men got up.
"Don't you move" I said with a grim voice.
"What are you going to do little girl. Kill us?" The voice of the first figure replied
"I won't kill you but I can make the zombies do it. "
"Wouldn't that be a death trap fo-" the man remarked but I came in reply
"No. Only for you."
The men grins turned into sad smiles. I had gotten to them and damage has been dealt
"But I will spare you if you guys can Leave my house alone."
"We will!" They begged
I moved them aside and went into my house.
Before I closed the door, I said, "by the way, I saw your bag." And with that closed the door.

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