Chapter 11

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It was hours before they opened the door to the truck. We were pulled out and thrown onto the ground.

"Humph. Petty girls. But boss will have a better use for you." said Jack

I was picked up and dragged into a cell and thrown onto the worn out bed. When they passed by with Katilia, she looked at me sorrowfully. I mouthed 'I am sorry'

She blinked and turned her head and disappeared down a different passage way. More people were dragging the men I have bitten. I looked in fear.

'This is not possible. Am I really zombified enough to infect people?'

I sat on the bed and thought about my leadership. It was horrible, but I saved my group enough times. Only Grandpa knew of what happened when I was sent to the laboratory.

Another guy passed by with Martain and opened the cell next to me. Martain was placed in a worn out crib and the cell closed when the guy left.

James was the last to come and I looked at him sadly. He gave me a confused look and I sorrowfully turned my head down.

I examined the room and found a toilet, but it was disgustingly old and used. It still had crap and piss in it.

"Disgusting." I said, looking away from the toilet.

There were windows, but they were too high for a 5'4" girl. They were made of iron and were bars.

How did I know it was nighttime? I may never know but I got tired and sat on the bed.

The room didn't seem to have any secret doors. I continued to try, but couldn't find one.

The outdoors I once knew were gone from me. All I had was this empty cell with only me in it.

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