Chapter 31

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I woke up to the sound of a machine running and a white room. I tried to pull myself up, but no avail.
I turned my head to the left and saw monitors, desks, and wires. Then to the right stood 3 men in lab coats.
"Ok. I am Dr. Yin Wasabi. I am here to ask a few questions and run one test." said the man in the middle.
I looked at them and my eyes started to fill with fear. They were wide and I tried to get out. When I remembered that I was tied down, I freaked out even more.
"If we untie you, will you not freak out?" Said the man to the left.
I forced a slight nod and a couple guards came over and untied me.
"Ok, we have a few questions. Are you ready or do you need something?" Dr. Yin asked
My throat was tense and I replied, "Water, please."
The man on his left went to the door, which was right next to him and came back with a glass of water.
He handed me the water and I slowly tested it.
"You are used to dirty water, aren't you?" The man that handed me the water asked.
I nodded slightly, and drank a little more water.

The man in the middle spoke up, "Are you ready now?"

I nodded and put my cup down onto the table. The men sat down on their chairs and pulled out clipboards.

"First, we want you to know that our country didnt intend the outbreak. We wanted to scare you Americans and thats all. But someone put an infection into the bomb and we didn't know until it was too late." The man to the right said. His voice was deep and a little soothing.

The man in the middle nodded and asked, "How did you survive the bombing on the nuclear plant?"

I looked to him, and quietly said, "I was in the safe room. Then the bomb exploded. From what I can recall, I think the ground collapsed below me. I fell into a cave and found an abandoned mine. It was maybe 50ft below the surface. Then another bomb came, and dug a hole. From there, I lept and grabbed onto some small ledges. I climbed out and hid behind some rubble."
Dr. Yin looked at me, and nodded, "And these bombs didn't harm you whatsoever?"
I shook my head and he raised an eyebrow.
"Well. As you can tell, you were the only survivor from the bombing. No bodies were found lying around."
My eyes started to tear up. I rubbed my eyes and started to bawl. Dr. Yin left the room to give me privacy; thinking that I maybe had friends or family that were in there.
I had stopped after a little while and he came back, holding two trays, and the other scientists left to get what I believe is lunch.
He handed me the tray and I set it to the side. I looked at the food. It was not like his; sushi and soy sauce with the rice. Mine was a steak smothered in sauce with a side of rice, not covered in soy sauce.
He handed me some water and I drank it. I set down in my plate and cut up some steak to eat. It was considerably good.
I looked back towards him; my eyes saggy and red from tears and lack of sleep.
"Are you ready to continue?" Dr. Yin asked when I hade finished my meal.
I slightly nodded and he opened his clipboard to a page.
I looked to my clothes. They were no longer the saggy, dirty tank top and shorts with many pants. It was a pair of jeans and an gray shirt that had purple text that said Oui! Oui!
It was pretty and was considerably comfortable.
"After this question, we will be done for the day. Tomorrow, at 10am, you will come back here for some more questions and the like."
I nodded. I mean, I didn't know this guy, though he sounded nice.
"Ok. Who was in there? Was there family or enemies? Friends or foes?"
I looked at him nervously and said, "There was a lady that turned me into this monster of a mess. My brothers, James and Martian, and my sister, Katilia. My dad was there, along with his goons. The scientists that had helped me with my abilities. They were the only ones that I could trust." I shed some tears because of how much they sacrificed for me. They were like the family I never had.
He wrote all this down and looked up when he finished, "We have a room that is in top security because we want to stop this. We want your world to become great again."
I stood up off the seat when he stood up, "Follow."
He pushed the door opened and I closed it. We walked along scientists and doctors; staff and citizens.
We walked up two flights of stairs and through a small hallway with guards lining it.
"Do not worry about them. They will not bother unless you scream bloody murder. They know the differences between each scream, and if it is fake or not." He pushed the door open after he typed in a password. "Breakfast starts at 7am to 10am, lunch starts at noon to 2pm, and dinner at 5pm to 8pm. Then there is a refreshment and small snack line that is open all day. If you need anything else, you press this button," He pointed to the yellow button next to the entrance, "and it will go to the main lobby, and ask for me or whoever you need."
I nodded and he pointed to the bed, "Clothes will be laid out for you in the morning and afternoon. Also for important events you might go to."
"How long will I stay here?" I asked, looking at the decent size room.
"Everyday, if you want. You could live here forever, though eventually, when you are old enough to work a good enough job, you light start paying bills, just like America and all the other countries do."
I nodded and told him, "I am allergic to peanut butter, if you wanted to know just in case."
"I'll keep that in mind. Get some dinner or a snack and rest up for tomorrow." He said, almost leaving before wriring on a pad of paper. He turned around and handed me the paper.
What was written was the passcode/password for the room.
"see you tomorrow, ma'am." He said as he left the door.
"Bye, sir." I replied and looked at my clothes. I quickly changed into them and put my old clothes in a bag that I had found. The room was gray, but I liked it. Except for the bathroom, which was white.
I went to the cafeteria and grabbed a fruit cup and some water and went back to my room to eat. I finished it a little bit later and threw it away.
I quickly changed again; this time into pajamas. I pulled myself under the blanket and instantly fell asleep.

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