Chapter 23

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Reentering the house I took over, I looked around. I had hid my stuff in the cellar where I had found a lever and opened a area for me to hide my stuff. Grabbing it, I brought it up to to the main level.
I headed to the kitchen and grabbed a somewhat fresh pear and ate it. I ran outside and saw the men that were in my house yesterday.
I hopped over the old fencing and headed into the woodlands that was a bit far from it; the direction I had come from.
I looked up in the trees for large branches. When I did, the tree that I was on collapsed, me falling with it.
I had nearly forgotten about my family. They were better off without me. They didn't need me. I could survive on my own.
Finally getting up from under the tree, and heaving the big branch to my house and cut it into strips. From strips to stakes.
Looking around, I tried to find a shovel, but I had to use my hands.
"Ugh. This is hardship" I groaned, still digging.
Before nightfall, I had gotten 10 in.
I hurried inside and hid my weapons and went to my sleeping corner.


Sorry for the short chapters. I have had no time and I had to get them out.

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