Chapter 8

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My feelings were right. There were hoards of mutated zombies. And they were trying to get to us.
"GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!" I yelled to Katilia who had fallen asleep. "GET THEM OUT OF HERE. I WILL TRY TO STOP THEM"
"What about you? Won't you die?"
I didn't wanted to say that I was half zombie to her. She already knew I was sent to scientists, she doesn't need to know what I am.
"Don't worry," I said calmly, wiping the tears off of her face, "I have survived this long, I think I can survive them."
She nodded and ran and grabbed Martain and James.
I knew what I had to do. I climbed out of the chimney and onto the roof.
I shot a bullet, but yet they ignored me.
I could live among the zombies, not getting hurt.
I continued to fire bullets. It took 8 bullets just to kill one off.
I fired at all of them, and soon they were all dead.
I hoped down into the snow, following the footsteps of them.

I had a bad feeling when I saw blood. Fresh new blood. My zombie inside of me wanted to eat it, but I could control myself.

I followed the blood to another house. It was about the same size of the last one, but not covered in snow.
I opened the door and there they were. Trying to help baby Martain from his wound.
James looked up and said, "You're here!"
"I told you I would return. " I replied
He smiled and I asked, "What happened to Martain?"
"He was bitten. There is not much we can do now. "
My face grinned and tears came out. he wasn't supposed to die like this. Well, at least in my hopes and dreams.
I carried him as it happened and set him down in the snow.
"He came with me to the scientists. Take him with us."
"Are you sure about what you are doing?"
I was sure enough that he got the same serum as me.
"Yes." I said finally.
"Is there something you are not telling us?"
"No. I am clean of secrets."
"Ok. I suppose we should continue. "
I nodded and we went to see if we could get in the city by dawn.

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