Chapter 24

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I had to head outside to find more supplies, and I saw the group that I had left; not my family group.
I was shifty moving through the city. The small city was what seemed to be like LA but I doubt that this was it.
I checked into a small grocery and found some food still good enough to eat. Even though the placed was attacked by greedy hungry rich people, there was still some need supplies like medical gauzes and medicine.
"My family held me back from this. No one to bother me is perfect."
And of course, the group that I saw earlier heard it. At least I thought they did. I climbed up a ladder that led to a green metal roof. It was hot, yes but it was bearable for now. I parkoured across the roofs and ended up, in a matter of time, at my base for now.

I was hoping they didn't hear me, and I made sure that I was hiding in a small room.
I crept up and crawled over to the door and took a peek to see if they had snuck in and ran to the door and opened it. I looked both ways and I jogged to the cellar.
Hitting the lever, the secret area opened and ran inside. I had stuff in here and a lever to lock it from the inside and I had to throw multiple rocks and soon made it locked.
I took inventory and looked to see where I wanted the new supplies.
Hearing voices, I stayed quiet.
It was the group.
I heard them all as they looked through my house that I took base in.
"Damnit. Where could she be?" Said a deep voice.
"She has to be around here somewhere. I saw stakes to keep unwanted visitors out." Said another voice.
"Now how are we supposed to get the child's grandma back? She is devestated!"
"We'll just keep looking then. She couldn't have gotten far."
A lot of groans erupted and soon someone was in the basement.
The person hit the lever and didn't notice it. How did I know. It made a click sound and apparently whoever was in there had to have heard it. I didn't need to leave for awhile. I had a lot of food. A little water but that was ok.
I assumed it was nighttime and decided to sleep next to my weapons. The best idea I got right now.

I got up a few hours later to check a wound I had gotten on the way here. It was infected for sure. Grabbing the gauze, I applied it with some medicine and tried to sleep. I must've slept because it was day before i knew it. At least I thought it was day.

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