Chapter 3

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When we got to the apartment, we were all exhausted. I laid down on a well worn couch. Katilia laid on a well worn matress. James and Martin were laying on the ground, but Martin laid on a small, but cozy blanket.

As I laid there, I thought about how we needed to leave soon.

I jumped up, and started packing

"What's wrong?" asked Katilia, curiously

"Grab what you need. We're leaving." I replied

She nodded and went to her stuff, which she had pre-packed.

"Everyone. Grab your stuff" I commanded, "And meet me on Floor 2, Apartment 14B."

Everyone hustled and grabbed their stuff. I walked down to the apartment and waited.

As family came in, I started to rethink why I was forcing them to leave. The answer was clear: We weren't safe anymore.

"Everyone here?" I asked

No one said anything about someone being missing.

"Good. Follow me" I said

We walked out of the apartment and wandered among what was left of Palm Springs. It was once a tourist attraction. Now it was in shambles, and popular palces were almost completely gone.

We walked for miles before it became night, in which we took refudge in an abandoned farmhouse.

We decided to take shifts, because we didnt know if zombies would show up.

I took first shift of the night. I watched the moon and the surrounding area. I shot a few zombies before it was James shift.

I thought about Brittney and Ali, and how they were handling it. Then I thought about if they got infected.

Those thoughts faded away as I fell deeper into sleep.

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