Chapter 30

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The men were walking around the radioactive destruction. I continued to hide behind the rubble. Some dug through every piece but the one I was behind.
Someone pulled the rubble that I was behind and I looked up at him. He wore a Japanense Navy Aircraft uniform.
"Watashi wa seizon-sha o hakken shimashita" The man yelled and others came running.
I tried to get away from them by shoving further into the rubble.
One of the men got me out of the rubble and pulled me out.
"Help!" I cried and tried to get free. I was thrown into an aircraft and a pilot got in.
The pilot started up the plane and I huddled as far as I could from him. I started to cry in fear.
I had no idea what they were going to do with me, nor did I want to know. I just wanted to live a normal life.
The aircraft started to go up and I slowly looked out the window. We were so high up.
I huddled and cried even more. I just wanted this to be over. I didn't want to be alone.
My family is now truly dead now because of these men. The thought of my family made me cry even more.
I looked up just in time to see the sunset. The pilot was also looking at it and talking in what I was sure Japanense.
I looked away from it. I knew that it was false hope. That I would survive another day. I have survived for months and then these guys come in and take me away from the life I have grown accustomed to.
My eyes were wet from tears and very heavy from being up for almost 24 hours. I gave into the sleep.

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