Chapter 17

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The boy, who I found out his name was Justin, was always a jerk. He bullied his sibling and messed around with the others.
I walked up to the man that brought me here and asked, "What's your name and why do you want to know about Lisa?"
"Well, kid, the names Carl. Lisa was my wife. She went crazy and left me. I tried to find her, but you gave is a clue."
"Don't you want to see her. I won't go back. I don't want my family knowing where I am."
"That's ok, kid. I never caught your name."
"Jessica is my name. Last names do not matter to anyone at the moment." I said bluntly.
"Ah, Jessica. What a pretty name." Said Carl.
"Guys, me and Jamie are going to find Lisa. The new girl, which her name is Jessica, will be here to lead you. She is immune to the Zombie Toxin and zombies ignore her. Do what she says. She will report to me when we return. If we aren't back by tomorrow's sundown, she will become the new leader." Said Carl to the others.
I heard mumbles of disagreement and ignored it.
Before he got to leave, I asked, "Who is Jamie?"
"The other person that was with me when we found you."
I nodded and went back to the group. A little girl, the one I saw picking flowers up, came up to me and asked, "Do really know about Lisa?"
I gave a nod and said, "She was the one that she wanted to test something. I don't know what she was trying to do, but she changed me. "
"But why would mother do that?"
"I don't know. She just took me from my house, put multiple shots into me, and put me back before anyone noticed"
"But why?"
"Kid," I say, getting onto one knee, "I don't know. She is crazy. I don't trust her. Now go play."
The kid bounced off and I stood up again.
'So innocent. She is too pure.' I thought, 'She's too good for this world'
As that thought passed, zombies came into the camp.
"EVERYONE STAY BACK" I said, trying not to be harsh

Everyone backed away and I grabbed my dagger and walked up to the zombies, stabbed them in the head, and walked back.
'Am I abusing this ability? Shouldn't I be doing something else?'

The others looked and screamed, well at least, the little girl did.
"Shh. You are going to attract every walker in a 25 mile radius. Be on guard, guys." I warned the girl

Justin grabbed his katana and got it ready. The others except an old lady grabbed another weapon
Before I asked, the middle aged woman said, "she can fight. She was a ninja in her day. Mainly a spy."

"Oh that sounds cool"
The woman turned around and said, "Back then, it was the most dangerous thing you could've done. "
The woman walked away and went to the little girl.

'This is going to be a long night'

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