Chapter 15

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I must've sat there for a couple hours, because it was night when I stopped thinking about it.

That night, it stormed horribly. It never let up for what seemed like forever. As I tried to sleep, the question slipped into my mind, and it killed me.
John came into the cell for his usual night patrol and saw me awake.
"Are you ok?" He asked, looking concerned.
"Yeah. I just don't know where to place my trust. It seems like I can't trust dad, but can I trust anyone else?"
I grabbed his shirt and cried. He brought me in closer and hugged me even closer.

"I don't know anymore. This apocalypse has changed everything and everyone." He said finally.
I nodded, still more tears in my eyes. His hand wipes my tears out of my eyes.

He laid me down and laid next to me. I laid close and closed my eyes.

When I woke, he was gone. I assumed that he went to his cell. I stretched and I was still in the clothes that I worn since the beginning.
I walked out of my cell and a big group of guards can after me. I fled and grabbed a machete threw it. It hit a guy in his arm and tore it off completely. That guy was my father.
I didn't care. He tried to kill me. He baited me. He was a enemy. He was a slaughter. He was death. I was light. He can't overtake me, nor can I overtake him. This is a war.

A war I don't think I prepared for. The more weapons I have passed, the more I threw. I ran alongside the wall. and threw my self onto a metal bar that probably had cords that brought power to this place.
I swung myself around and got my body onto the top of the bar. It started to bend, and I jumped. I thought my death was near. I ran into John. I pleaded help, but he tried to kill me.

"There is no choice left, brother." and I threw a knife into his thigh. He collapsed and I couldn't bee standing that I did that.
I ran out of the building. No one else could find me. Not even my most trusted.

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