Chapter 16

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The sun set along the forest line as I strapped myself on a pine tree branch. Being skinny and light made it easy for me to trust myself not to fall. The owls started whoing and flying in the sky. It all used to be like this when I was young.

I sighed and thought, 'Where has humanity gone wrong? What happened? It all used to be like this before the Apocalypse.'

Squirrels scurried across the forest floor and the soothing sound of water falling nearby dulled me and I was soon asleep. The last thing I saw was trees bristling in the breeze.

When I woke, I untied myself and climbe down the pine. I ran across an old pass wile walking away from the Prison. The old pass was worn from being used and unkept. There was weeds sprouting out of the gravel pass and it felt spooky.

I continued to walk down the pass and came across a group of six. The oldest seemed to look like the age of 35. His hair was uncombed and messy. He wore a blue plaid shirt and worn out blue jeans. He only wore socks for shoes.

Then I noticed a young girl. Couldnt be older than 6, and she picked up dandelions, tulips and oxeye daisys. What must have been her sister or a friend took the flowers and put them in a worn out weed basket.

I try to get a closer look and I fall into a bush. The man and an older woman stopped and headed towards where they heard me fall. I tried to stay quiet but a stick pressed into my back, and I screamed in pain. They ran and pulled me out of the bush and against the tree.

"Where is Lisa?" yelled the man, pointing his gun at my head.

"Who is Lisa?" I asked, trying not to be scared.

"Lisa Morgan, she lived in San Fransico on the beach." said the man, staring at me with anger.

"I knew her. She used to be my neighbor when I was nine. She left for San Fransico about when this apocalypse started, which was when I was six-teen, sir."

"Do you know anything else?"

"I'll have to think, becasue I was chased off from my other group and I was in a tree not far from here yesterday to sleep."


I thought of the name and it brought me to this one, bad, ugly memory. She was one that made me this way. She was the one that changed me. The scientists were trying to help me, and trying to stop her.

"She was the one that changed me. She did experiments on me." I finally said after 10 or so minutes.

"What experiments?"

"She made me... different. I dont know what et, but the zombies seem to ignore me."

He ran away a foot in shock.

"She did that to you? What was she thinking!"

I looked at him, worried for his sanity.

"Look, kid. You can come with us. It can work in everyone's favour. Just one thing, if you start to feel like you are changing, give me the word and I will stop it." He said, holding his gun.

I gulped and nodded.

"Come, kid."

I followed him. The lady was behind me. They led me to the others. They had their guns pointed at me, and we're obviously not afraid to use them.

"Put your guns down, its alright. She's a friend. She knows about Lisa." Said the man

"How are you sure?" Said a teenage boy

The man shot a glare at him, "How do you this is just a dream and we will wake up any second"

The boy backed off and said nothing.

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