Chapter 12

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I woke up on the bed, sweating. It was summer, but it was usually always freezing. Not that I dont enjoy it, it was just unexpected, thats all.

I walked around my cell until Martain started crying. I reached my hands through the bars and gently patted/rubbed him.

Guards came by and handed the food to me and I took it. Peas, and a piece of toast. I ate the toast because I dont eat peas. [Dont like them.]

"Hey James" I said, hoping for a response.

"What?" was his reply.

"How is it going" I joke

"Not bad, you?" He replies

"Not bad either."

"Oh. Where is Martain?"

"In the cell next to me."


We were silent and I was soon taken out of my cell. I walked with about ten guards around me. I sighed.

'Is there something I can do to help us?' I thought, 'Is there no way out of this?'

I was taken into what looked like to be a throne room or where a leader would sit. Then I was forced onto the ground and I saw nothing but cold, hard stone.

"Ah. There she is." said a mysterious voice.

'I know that voice. I just cant figure out who.'

"Bring her up to me. And we can see if it is true!"

I was lifted up and I saw who it was.



"Dad?" I asked, susprised that he was here.

He blinked, "Jessie?"

"Jessica, but that is okay."

"Release her." He commanded the guards.

They did so and I ran up to my dad. I barely remember him. He left me when I was 8. Now that I am 17, I can finally see him again.

We hugged and I cried onto his shoulder.

"Where's grandpa?"

I looked downwards and said nothing.

"He died, didnt he?"

I nodded and said, "I am now the leader of the group."

"How is Martain?"

"Somehow still alive." I said

"Is it true," He whispered, "Is it true that you can infect humans while being a human?"

I nodded.

"Who else has this ability?"

"Only Martain as far as I am aware."

"Everyone but Jessica back up into the watch tower to see if it is true!"

Then he bent down to me, "If it is so, then you may have to be in containment."

I sighed.

He ran up to the tower and released zombies. They stood around, not noticing me even there.

I walked up to one and smacked it. It did nothing either. I even was given a gun and I shot one, and it didnt care.

The zombies were then dropped below floor, while I was on a platform.

He came down to me and said, "This is how you are still alive?"

I nodded, blinking tears out of my eyes.

"Get your siblings out of the cells. It is time for you to join me and my group."

"One thing. dad."

"Hmm, yes?"

"Is this like a prison?"

"Well, yes. The building itself is, but we put you into your own rooms. I didnt know you were here until John here told me."

"John, as in my brother? He is still alive?"

"Yes and he happens to be like you."


I ran down the halls and grabbed keys. The first one I opened was James.

"Is something wrong?" he asked

"No. You wont believe what two people happen to be here."

I gave the keys to James and he opened Martains. I grabbed him and craddled him while James unlocked Katilias.

"Follow me." was all I said before we ran.

"Any hints?" asked Katilia


We ran down three corridors and into the main room.

"Dad?" said Katilia

"John?" said James.

I stood back with Martain and watched as they reunited with Dad and John.

But something tells me it is not all is how it seems.

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