Chapter 27

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The jog indeed woke him up and I pushed him to keep going. If we were to survive, we needed to agile and smart. People were getting stupider by the days, and me and him are just sane. No stupider then before the Apocalypse started.
The building came up and I breathed heavily. It was more destroyed than before. Bryan looked towards, having fear and hope in his eyes.

"For all I know, they are still in there. There is also a crazy lady who changed me." I stated. I knew that he knew about this, but I said it anyways.

"How do you plan to get out?" He asked, holding my side.

"I dont. If I do, consider myslef lucky.: I replied, looking into his deep blue eyes.

"I am coming with you." He said, picking me up.

I screamed and he bounced up and down. 

"Please let me down" I laughed out, screaming almost.

"Fine..." He said, putting me back onto the ground.

I slapped him and he whimpered. We walked down the path. The one that would save me and my family or be the death of me.

The dark, rusty iron doors I pushed open led to a hallway. I snuck in, knowing full well that they knew that someone was here, either me or an agent of theirs. The creaking of it closing had guards running towards it.

"Shit. Meet you on the other side, Amigo!" I yelled as I started to run up the wall. As I was running up them, I jumped onto the pipes.

I breathed heavily as he jumped up to a small ledge, and got out his gun, most likely a pistol.

I equppied my crossbow and the sound of feet grew louder. I looked to Bryan and then to the ground. 

'Now or never, Jess.' I thought to myself.

I threw myself down and shot a couple arrows before refilling on them.

"Oh fuck. I am screwed. Bryan!" I screamed as people piled onto me.

I started to punch everyone off of me.

I heard gunshots and a few went limp. I heard footsteps and fear started to rise within me and I saw Bryan pull the people off of me.

I brushed myself off and hugged him. He was a savior. I looked to my legs, feeling soaked, and saw a gunshot wound.

"Are you ok?" he asked.

"Yeah, I will be." I said, limp walking.

He braced me by putting one arm of mine around his neck. As we started to walk, I got used to it except when I pressed down on it.

I took out my knife when we got around the corner and levered the bullet out. I screamed, but the bullet was out. 

"Have a gauze I can use?" I asked, tears swealling from my eyes from the pain.

"Yeah." He replied, and he took it out and applied it.

"Some days I wish this ability was gone. Other days I thank it for saving me and my family."

"Yeah. Sometimes I wish I was normal too." he sighed

"What do you mean?" I asked, not knowing the outcome of this conversation

"Well, I was supposed to die years ago, like when I was 6. Except I didn't. I am like a plant. I use the sun for power and food. It also helps my courage. The doctors were confused and I was without parents still to this day because the doctors lied to my real parents and said I was dead."

I pushed myself over to where he sat. I laid my head over onto his shoulders and he held my side. I closed my eyes.

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