3 - Quackity

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TW - swearing


I'd always been considered pretty funny. I always had some witty remark to make. By second grade, I'd been permanently labelled 'the class clown'. Everyone thought I was the funniest, least serious guy on the planet which was good for the most part. The only problem was that when I actually wanted to have a serious conversation, I had no one to talk to, everything thought I was joking.

Thats why I pushed away all serious feelings. I was Quackity, the funny guy who was never sad. Not Quackity, the sad guy who told no jokes. I had a reputation to live up to. Besides, even if I wanted to talk to someone, there was no one who'd listen. Right?


"MOM! DAD! I'M LEAVING!" I yelled, my voice echoing through the house. I sighed as no one replied, they were probably still asleep.

I flung open the front door and strode out into the cold morning air. The streets were empty as I made my way towards school. I liked the half an hour walk, it was peaceful and I had time to clear my head.

I strolled casually along the cracked sidewalk, humming a random tune.

Eventually, I made it to school and almost immediately I was bombarded by my friends, Schlatt, Charlie, Wilbur, Jack and Niki. There were a few others that hung out with our group but I didn't know them all. The group of us walked to our usual spot, behind the largest building on school grounds. We had about twenty minutes before class.

"Quackity! I have a dare for you!" Charlie yelled, making me roll my eyes. I leaned back against the wall of the school, playing with the zipper of my jacket. Beside him, Schlatt stifled a laugh and Wilbur smiled mischievously.
"What?" I asked, glaring at them. Charlie flung his arm around me and said,
"Y'know Sapnap?" He pointed in the direction of two guys sitting under a tree, surrounded by girls.

I pushed down the butterflies that rose in my stomach. Of course I knew Sapnap. I'd had a crush on him for ages, no one knew though. I didn't even know if I was gay or bi or something else, all I knew was that Sapnap the stupid football player gave me nervous butterflies.

"What about him?" I said, my voice shaking slightly as I watched Sapnap and his best friend, Dream, saying something to the crowd of cheerleaders. Wilbur gave me a strange look, clearly noticing my tone of voice. Everyone else however, was oblivious.
"I dare you to go and ask him to fuck you at that party on the weekend," Charlie snickered, pushing me towards the pair who now sat alone.

My nerves shot through the roof as I walked forward. Most people would've used their common sense and denied the dare but because I'm a fucking idiot, I can't turn down dares.

I reached the two and put on a high pitched voice,
""Excuse me Sapnap, I would just fucking adore it if I could have your number so we could go to that party and fuck in a random bedroom," I held back a laugh as I spoke, this wasn't so bad, it was actually pretty funny.

Sapnap looked up with a shocked expression. My dark eyes met his grey, sparkling ones. I smirked slightly, watching as he took me in. Beside him, Dream looked confused but he also looked like he was stifling laughter.
"Well, I'm waiting, are we gonna fuck or not?" I asked impatiently, talking in my normal voice. Dream let out a wheeze and Sapnap's mouth fell open.

"Nope," He mumbled. He stood up and pulled Dream to his feet. "Maybe next time dude," Sapnap laughed, clearly still in shock. I held back even more laugher as he lead Dream away. Sapnap and I shared a mock wave as the two disappeared from my sight. I walked back to the group, feeling slightly dizzy.

My first real conversation with Sapnap was the dumbest conversation I'd ever had. The whole group was in shock when I returned, they all patted my back, laughing their asses off. I gave them a weak smile and made up some stupid excuse before walking away.

I was walking aimlessly around the school, thinking about my sexuality, trying to figure out what the fuck I was.

I felt a sudden pat on my back and I spun quickly on my heel, coming face to face with a tall British man with fluffy brown hair and a dark red beanie. Wilbur.
"Hey," I mumbled, looking at the ground. Wilbur didn't speak, he just walked quietly beside me for a few minutes.

We walked for a while, enjoying each other's company. Eventually though, Wilbur spoke up.
"So, I'm friends with this guy and I think he's struggling with something and I want to be there for him so I was wondering if maybe he wanted to talk?" We came to a stop, sitting down, our backs against a wall. I laughed at the stupid 'friend' analogy.

"Wilbur, I like boys. And girls. But, like, I don't think I'm bi," I said quickly, avoiding eye contact. Wilbur didn't say anything, he just wrapped me in a hug. I'd never hugged any of my friends before, it had always seemed weird but this hug was exactly what I needed.

"You could be pansexual?" Wilbur asked, pulling away from the hug.

It was like a lightbulb flickered on in my brain.

This whole time, I'd been trying to decide between gay and bi and I haven't even considered the possibility of being pan. But I was, I knew it for sure. Now that Wilbur had said it out loud there was no question.

"Holy shit, you're right," I cried, pulling Wilbur into another hug. "Thanks Wilbur," I grinned. Wilbur nodded, smiling.

We sat in a peaceful, comfortable silence until the bell rang, both of us glad that I'd trusted Wilbur. When the bell sounded, we stood up and began making our way towards English class. We walked into the room together and Miss Romero looked up, smiling.
"Thank you for joining us Beanie Boys," She said, laughing slightly as both Wilbur and I began to protest.

"Miss, I will cry," Wilbur warned, pulling off his beanie and slumping into his front row seat. I laughed loudly as I made my way to the back corner. Miss Romero, shook her head, still giggling at her own joke.


I didn't usually pay attention in English class and today was no different. I just sat in the back row, drawing in the margins of my work book. I was zoned out almost the entire class. Then, twenty minutes before the end, someone new walked into the room.

I looked up in interest as a boy with fluffy brown hair walked into the room, looking very nervous.
"You must be Karl! Welcome to my class, I'm Miss Romero! You can have that seat next to Alex, I won't make you give an introduction," Miss Romero said kindly, directing the new kid towards the empty seat next to me.

He sat down, looking embarrassed. The teacher went back to teaching and I kept my eyes on Karl. He had mesmerising golden-brown eyes, quite possible the cutest, most attractive smile I'd ever seen in my entire life and impeccable fashion sense. Our eyes connected and I felt the sudden urge to flirt with him.

Before I could stop myself, I blew him a kiss, smirking. I watched as he looked incredibly shocked and a deep blush coated his cheeks as he quickly looked away.

Why did I do that?

I don't flirt with people.

And why did I feel the urgent need to get to know this new kid?

Word count - 1306

A/N -

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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