41 - Good Things Come In Threes

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TW - swearing, fluff


I paced back and forth in the small tent, my breathing shallow.
"I don't know why you're so nervous," Wilbur said, making me roll me yes. I came to a halt, glaring at the brunette as I adjusted the dark blue bow tie that I was wearing.
"We're you nervous when you married Sally?" I asked, giving him an annoyed look.

He chuckled and nodded,
"Touché," He grinned, leaning back in his chair. I groaned and turned to the large mirror propped up against a table. I inspected my crisp black suit, white shirt and shiny navy blue shoes, checking for any mistakes. I worriedly smoothed out my dark hair and pulled on a plain, navy blue beanie before tucking a white rose into it.

"Quackity," Wilbur broke the momentary silence that had fallen over us, "It's time,"

Oh shit. I nodded nervously and let Wilbur take me by the arm. He escorted me out of the tent and through the large, colourful flower field to a small grass patch where a few rows of seats, a white wooden aisle and an arch made of blue, orange and purple flowers had been set up. Karl's mom stood waiting at the start of the aisle.

Wilbur gave me a quick thumbs up as he ran to take his spot as best man next to Technoblade who was legally a marriage officiator and had been more than happy to officiate our wedding. Mrs Jacobs grinned at me and took my arm. Seeing as Sapnap and I both had shit parents, Karl's mom was not only walking her son down the aisle but she was also walking Sapnap and I.

A piano song began to play in the background and we began the walk down the aisle towards the arch. I grinned at the people in the audience as I passed.

Tubbo, Ranboo and Phil were all smiling widely whilst Tommy pretended to vomit over the side of his seat, muttering something along the lines of "love, gross,"

Pip and Pitch were grinning at me, rings shimmering in both of their left hands. They sat next to Kyle and Jam whose friendship had grown largely, causing the pair to move in together as best friends. Kyle and Jam looked mildly uninterested, I heard them discussing plans for laser tag inside their house as I walked past.

Tea was already crying, she had her head lent on Fury's shoulder as she smiled warmly at me. Fury and Sleepy nodded at me as I passed, both of them giving me a look that said, "She's already crying and nothings happened yet. You better start running,"

Punz, Ponk, Sam, Foolish, Ant and Velvet were also there, all of them clapping and whistling, waving at me.

All of my friends, the people I considered family, were gathered here to celebrate the love I felt for Karl and Sapnap.

We reached the archway and Mrs Jacobs gave me a motherly kiss on the cheek, wishing me good luck before hurrying back around to the start of the aisle. I grinned at Wilbur and Techno as the piano melody changed slightly, indicating Sapnap's arrival. I turned to face the end of the aisle and my mouth fell open.

Sapnap was wearing a black suit with an orange flame patterned tie, black shiny shoes, his white bandana and a few rings. Holy shit. He looked hot. Sapnap confidently linked arms with Mrs Jacobs and they began the walk down the aisle, Sapnap waving enthusiastically. Time seemed to slow down as my fiancé walked towards me.

His smile was brighter than the sun and the little wave he gave when he looked up and made eye contact with me filled my stomach with butterflies. Sapnap made it to the end of the aisle, Mrs Jacobs kissed him on the cheek and once again returned to the start to wait for Karl.

Sapnap stood opposite me, grinning.
"Hey handsome," He whispered, making me blush,
"Hi gorgeous," I responded, winking and making his cheeks tint red. "Where's your best man?" I asked after a moment, looking around for Dream. Sapnap rolled his eyes and nodded his head to the end of the isle where I saw my answer.

As the piano music changed for a third time, two people came forward, both of them wearing flower crowns on their heads and holding baskets of petals. It was Dream and George. Oh no. They seemed to be playing the role of bridesmaids/flower girls. The pair began to skip down the aisle, giggling as they threw petals at everyone.

By the time they reached us, they were both doubled over with laughter, unable to control themselves.
They moved into their places next to Wilbur and the music suddenly got louder. We turned to the end of the aisle and there he was. The prettiest boy in the world. Karl.

He was wearing a white suit with a lavender shirt, white shoes, a small golden pocket watch and purple nail polish. On his head was a beautiful flower crown made from light purple flowers. Both Sapnap and I stared at Karl in shock and adoration as he linked arms with his mom and made his way down the aisle. I felt my heart beating wildly as Karl looked up at Sapnap and I. He was wearing eyeliner and shiny lipgloss which made me want to kiss him then and there.

He reached the end of the aisle and his mom kissed his cheek before going to sit down next to Zoe who was chuckling about the amount of times Mrs Jacobs had walked up and down the aisle. Karl stood in between Sapnap and I, facing Techno.
"Hey beautiful," I whispered, making Karl blush deeply,
"You look so pretty, darling," Sapnap smiled softly, making Karl turn even redder.

"Shush, you both look so handsome," He giggled, grinning playfully as we all linked hands and turned to face Techno.

The ceremony went well. We all said 'I do' and made each other cry with the vows we'd written. Before I knew it, Techno was closing the little book he'd written the information in, a little book titled 'Karlnapity's Illegal Wedding' and he was saying,
"By the power vested in me by the internet and the illegal wishes I have for my friend's marriage, I now pronounce you husband, husband and husband. Everyone, may I present, Mr Karl Jacobs, Mr Quackity Jacobs and Mr Sapnap Jacobs. You may now kiss your husbands,"

We all smiled and took turns kissing each other. The entire audience burst out into cheers and applause. We pulled away, all of us too in love to think of anything except each other.

"I love you," We all said at the same time, grinning.

I couldn't believe it. I'd just gotten married to the people I loved most in the world.

Granted it was an illegal marriage, but still.

We weren't going to let the stupid law stop us.

I loved Karl and Sapnap beyond anything I ever thought possible and I didn't know what the future would bring, but I knew I'd have Karl and Sapnap with me, my soulmates, the loves of my life. My husbands.

Nothing could tear us apart.

After all, as the age old saying says,

Good Things Come In Threes.

Word count - 1224

A/N -

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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