39 - Three punches for closure

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TW - swearing, fighting, BRAD, blood


We were back at school.

We'd all been beyond upset when my mom had come in that morning to wake us up, informing us that today we were going back to the locker lined hallways of hell. Begrudgingly, we'd dragged ourselves out of bed, mumbling a string of complaints. We got dressed and made our way downstairs to where my mom's new girlfriend Zoe was making breakfast.

"Morning boys, I've made waffles and ice cream," Zoe said, smiling warmly at us. All of us instantly became slightly more enthusiastic as we took our seats, digging into the delicious food.
"Thanks Zoe!" We all said in sync as my mom and Zoe shook their heads, laughing.

"I have to head out to work but Zo is gonna drive you to school okay?" My mom told us, gathering her car keys and giving us all a hug goodbye. I gave them a thumbs up whilst Sapnap and Quackity nodded. Mom gave Zoe a quick peck on the lips, smiling, "See you later!" She called as she left the house.

We finished our food and then it was sadly time to go. Walking as slowly as possible behind Zoe as we left the house and headed for the car. Once we were all in the backseat, clinging onto each other's hands, Zoe started the car and began the drive to school.

The journey was far too short. It felt like we'd only just woken up. But no. We were now parked in the school parking lot, none of us moving to leave the car. Zoe unbuckled her seatbelt and turned in her seat to face us.
"Look, I'm sorry but you guys have to go in there. But if it gets bad and you need to leave, call me okay? I'll come and get you, I'll tell the school you have an important family matter okay? And if anyone tries to mess with you, don't hesitate to fight back, I'm a lawyer, I'm good at persuading, I'll get you out of trouble if you accidentally trip and your fist falls on someone,"

Zoe winked at us as we all got out of the car, laughing and thanking her. We all waved as she pulled out of the parking lot, all the windows down in her car as she blasted Corpse music for everyone to hear. She'd been listening to it ever since she'd walked in on Corpse and I whilst we were on call and he was showing me a demo of a new song. She'd heard a bit of the song and from then on had not stopped going on about how good his music was.

Once the car was out of sight, we turned towards the large, daunting school gates.
"Ready?" I asked, squeezing Quackity's hand. He and Sapnap both shook their heads but moved forward all the same. We'd made it only a few metres into school grounds before someone shouted and pointed at us.

Then all eyes landed on us.

Everyone was staring.

Everyone was whispering.

I hated the feeling of people watching me as we walked forward, looking for our friends. We'd agreed with our new little friendship group that we were going to meet at a large tree behind the school, away from prying eyes. We began to walk in the direction of the tree and voices continued to whisper loudly around us.

Sapnap glared at everyone that we passed, successfully making most of them shut their mouths. We kept walking, instinctively moving closer to each other, feeling safe with each other. We were almost in the clear, the tree was in sight when a voice called out our names. Well, more like, a voice called Sapnap's name and failed at mine and Quackity's names.


We all turned to see a blonde boy with bright blue eyes running towards us, waving his arm wildly.
"Fuck," Sapnap muttered under his breath, frowning as the guy approached. "What the fuck do you want Punz?" He sighed. Punz came to a halt in front of us, giving us all a slightly guilty smile.

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