4 - Groups of Three

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TW - swearing


I couldn't focus on the English lesson. The whole time I was sneaking side glances at the guy next to me. Every so often we would catch each other's eyes and another round of butterflies would explode inside my stomach.

When the bell rang, I shot up from my chair, barely managing to gather my belongings. I was about to run out of the room but someone grabbed my wrist, pulling me back.
"Hey! I'm Alex but everyone calls me Quackity," The guy who'd I'd been sat next to held out his hand, smiling at me. I was slightly taken aback but I shook his hand all the same.

"I'm Karl, nice to meet you," I grinned.
"Can I see your timetable?" Quackity asked as we began to walk out of the classroom. I nodded and handed him the piece of paper with all my classes on it. He scanned it for a moment and then looked up happily. "Fuck yeah! We have history together now!" He cheered.

I felt a wave of nerves shoot through me as Quackity grabbed my hand and started to lead me down a maze of hallways. I watched in awe as almost everyone called out and waved at the beanie clad boy infront of me. He seemed like one of the most popular people in school. Why was he paying attention to me?

We reached the door of a classroom that looked identical to every other room we'd passed in the halls. The teacher was and middle aged man who looked nice enough. He waved softly as we entered.
"Welcome to my classroom Mr Jacobs! Take a seat wherever you like," He gestured the rows of empty seats. I nodded and thanked him, following Quackity towards the back corner.

We collapsed in chairs and spent the next ten minutes getting to know each other whilst the classroom filled up. Halfway through our conversation about our favourite ice cream flavours, I got incredibly distracted as a group of rowdy football players walked into the room.

My eyes immediately caught onto the short, dark haired guy from this morning. I blushed intensely as he turned and locked eyes with me, giving me an over exaggerated wink. I looked away quickly, returning to my conversation and hoping that Quackity hadn't seen anything. It didn't seem like he hadn't noticed because he was still rambling about how good chocolate ice cream was.

"Karl!" I whipped around again as someone called my name. I saw Dream sitting next to his friend, I waved at the blonde, smiling shyly. Dream waved back, chuckling before all of the other footballers bombarded him with questions about who I was. I turned back to Quackity once again and this time he hadn't missed it.

"He was my tour guide," I muttered before he could even ask. Quackity's face lit up with understanding and he laughed slightly. We easily slid back into our previous conversation.

After a few more minutes, the teacher called for silence and he began the lesson. I tried my best to concentrate but it was very difficult with Quackity next to me, drawing stupid little pictures in my book and the cute football player sitting a row in front of me, scrolling through twitter on his phone which was hidden under the table.

I was completely zoned out until the teacher said,
"Right, this semester you'll have a group project. You'll be in groups of three," He paused and one of the footballers put his hand up, "No Punz, you don't get to pick your own groups," The teacher said, making most of the class groan in annoyance.

The teacher ignored everyone's clear upset state and moved around his desk to grab a piece of paper with the groups on it.

"Wilbur, Schlatt and Technoblade,"
I watched a tall brunette in a beanie and a tall dark haired guy in a suit high five each other successfully before glaring daggers at a guy with light pink hair on the other side of the room.

"Dream, George and Bad,"
I grinned knowingly, watching as Dream and a short brunette, who I assumed was George, shared a secret smile.

The teacher went on calling out names and I waited anxiously for my name to be called. Finally, I heard my name,
"Karl, Sapnap and Quackity,"

Quackity cheered quietly next to me and I laughed softly. Then I connected eyes with the same cute football player and let out a soft breath as I realised that he was Sapnap.

I spent the rest of class panicking.

I'd been at this stupid school for like two hours and I'd felt this strange feeling when I was around Quackity and Sapnap. I'd planned on just ignoring it and staying away from the two, maybe just talking Quackity in class, but now I was stuck in a group with both of them.

Don't get me wrong, they were both super attractive and I had this strange urge to get to know them more but I was scared. My whole life I'd never believed in love, I didn't even know what love felt like but what I'd felt today towards these two random guys was how pretty much everyone described a crush.

I didn't even know if I liked boys! All I knew was that I was demisexual. I'd figured that out a few years ago when all of my friends at my old school had been losing their virginity and obsessing over sex whilst I just sat in the background, not understanding the appeal. I decided ages ago that my first time, if I ever did it, was going to be with someone special who I really cared about. One of those people who I was more compatible with than anyone else. Or maybe I just wouldn't have sex, it wasn't really a big deal to me. I was fine without it.


"Karl!" I was snapped out of my thoughts by Quackity. I shook my head slightly, refocusing my vision. I realised that Quackity and Sapnap were both standing in front of me, holding their bags. Sapnap smiled at me and I returned it, slightly hesitantly.
"I was just telling Quackity that you guys can come to my house this afternoon and start work on the project if you want," Sapnap smirked, handing me my bag.

I stood up and muttered a quick thank you,
"Alright, I'll tell my mom," I said, pulling out my phone and quickly texting her. Sapnap nodded, seemingly satisfied.
"Meet me at the front gate after school, we can walk, it isn't that far,"

Quackity and I nodded before we all walked out of the door, splitting up once we were outside.

I had a sneaking suspicion that tonight wasn't exactly going to be fun.

Only time would tell.

Word count - 1142

A/N -

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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