19 - Three was never meant to be

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TW - swearing, fighting, knives, extreme blood and gore, mentions of death


I had my face buried in Sapnap's shoulder, not wanting to watch the fight. Everyone was yelling and the teachers couldn't gain control over the situation. I could hear Quackity yelling in the background and I could tell that Sapnap desperately wanted to jump in and help too. On my other side, George was jumping up and down, cheering Dream on,
"Smack him! Yes! Ha! YES! LETS GO! PUNCH HIM!" George swung his fist at thin air, making me chuckle softly.

More and more teachers were gathering in the hallway, trying to figure out how to break up the fight.

All of a sudden the shouting picked up and Quackity's voice rung in my ears.
"WHAT THE FUCK?! PUT THE FUCKING KNIFE AWAY!" He screeched. I gasped and looked up, immediately becoming horrified with what I saw. Brad was holding the front of Quackity's shirt, his fist raised, ready to take another hit at Quackity's already bruised and bloody face.

Then I saw Brandon. He looked completely unscathed and seemed to have only just arrived. To my absolute dismay, I realised that he was holding a small, lethal looking pocket knife and he was aiming it at Quackity.
"Holy shit! This is crazy even for our school!" Sapnap muttered, glaring daggers at Brandon who advanced on Quackity. Sapnap ran forward and Quackity looked in our direction.

"SAP! DO NOT! You gotta stay on the team so I can be your cheerleader!" Quackity yelled, panic lacing his laugh. Sapnap looked like he wanted to protest but he stepped back anyway, watching worriedly.

Brandon glared at Quackity,
"Break up with Karl now or I'll stab you," He said simply. My mouth fell open in shock. What universe were we living in?! My crazy ex best friend had just threatened to stab one of my boyfriends! Quackity scoffed and shook his head, he seemed extremely confident for someone who was extremely cornered.

"I will never break up with Karl. Ever. Bitch," Quackity spat, glaring at the psychotic teen in front of him. Brandon really didn't seem to like that answer. He stepped closer and without hesitation, he plunged his stupid knife into Quackity's stomach. Quackity screamed in pain and everyone else stopped fighting, turning to him. Brad looked horrified as he let go of Quackity's shirt,

"I thought you weren't really going to stab him!" Brad cried, he seemed to notice all of the teachers watching in shock for the first time and he looked scared for himself. Brandon rolled his eyes,
"I wasn't going to, but then he didn't give me what I want," Brandon shrugged and began to walk away. He turned back for a moment, "Brad, I advise you take your chance whilst he's on the ground to get in a few more punches,"

Then he was gone, slipped into the crowd and disappeared from sight. Brad turned back to Quackity who was groaning in pain, his blood beginning to stain the school corridor. The knife lay a few feet away, Quackity seemed to have pulled it out of his stomach and thrown it.

For one moment, I thought Brad was going to be a decent human and leave Quackity alone. But clearly that was impossible. He clicked his fingers and the rest of the football team shoved Pitch, Pip, Dream, Techno and Wilbur into the crowd as they formed a wall, stopping everyone from getting to Brad and Quackity.

"QUACKITY!" I yelled, trying to run forward. I was stopped by a burly guy with an evil smirk painted on his face. I watched as Quackity lifted his head, smiling sadly at me.

"I love you Karl. I love you Sapnap. I love you both. Don't forget me," He gave me a weak wink and my heart shattered. Sapnap yelled and ran forward too, also being blocked by a football player. We watched as Quackity whispered something to Brad who was glaring at him. Brad shook his head and Quackity said something else. Then Brad sighed and nodded.

Quackity then pulled his signature beanie of his head and handed it to Brad. Brad turned and walked towards Sapnap and I. He handed us the beanie and as I took it, I collapsed onto the floor, tears spilling down my cheeks.
"DO SOMETHING IDIOTS! HELP HIM!" Sapnap yelled at the surrounding sea of students and teachers. They all looked scared and shocked.

No one spoke and there was a moment of silence before the sickening sound of someone being punched rung through the hallway and Quackity screamed in pain. His yelling continued and I let out a grieved scream as I tried my best to push forward and help Quackity, Sapnap was also doing his best to get through.

Brad continued punching and kicking Quackity's body which had gone limp. Quackity's screams died away and I choked back a sob, not wanting to think about what that meant.

Pitch suddenly managed to break through the barrier of footballers seeing as the one blocking him became distracted by distant sirens. They ran forward and pulled Brad away from Quackity, he punched Brad and threw him into the crowd, yelling angrily.

The wall of footballers fell away and Sapnap and I immediately ran forward towards Quackity. We were both crying as we knelt down next to him, Sapnap cradling his bruised and blood covered face in his lap and me flinging my arms across his chest, ignoring the blood that began to seep into my clothing.

"NO! NO! COME BACK! PLEASE!" I sobbed as I held onto Quackity's unmoving body. Sapnap cried silently beside me.

Then I heard Brad's voice in the crowd and I felt anger wash over me.

I stood up, spinning on my heel and glared at Brad, my face streaked with tears and my hands stained with my boyfriend's blood.

"YOU DID THIS! HE COULD BE DEAD! IF HE'S GONE IT'S YOUR FAULT! YOU KILLED HIM! YOU FUCKING KILLED HIM!" I screamed, pointing at Brad with a shaking finger, my voice full of grief and anger. Brad looked shocked as the full weight of what he'd just done settled in.

Then he ran.

I hated the fact that he was just running away. But I had no time to chase him and murder him. I turned back to Quackity and I collapsed beside him. Sapnap took my hand in his and we stared down at our boyfriend.

He looked so peaceful, his pain gone in his unconscious state.

Then the ambulance arrived.

Paramedics swarmed the scene.

They lifted Quackity onto a stretcher, Sapnap and I both insisted that we go with him, each of us holding one of his hands.

Later, as we sat in the ambulance, my head on Sapnap's shoulder, both of us holding Quackity's hand, it seemed to really sink in.

Quackity was most likely dead.

He was gone.

Word count - 1146

A/N -

Okay so I know that this isn't a very realistic high school au... but it was fun to write, I am sorry if you preferred them more realistic stuff, I'll probably write some more realistic stuff again soon :)

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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